OpAthRom-07-13: A note on domestic vs communal grain storage in the Early Helladic period
Article , Content / 2014-12-02

Opuscula is published by the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome, with the aid of a grant from the Swedish Research Council. Distributed by Eddy.se AB. View journal at ERIH PLUS. All content available with open access. A note on domestic vs communal grain storage in the Early Helladic period By Monica Nilsson Abstract This paper sets out to propose an alternative model of economic management at settlements of Early Helladic I–II date, where evidence of socioeconomic hierarchies is not prominent in the archaeological material. It is suggested here that the remains of certain original structures within the boundaries of settlements were once granaries which served the whole community. If this reading of the material is accepted, then communal storage seems to have supplemented domestic storage or constituted the sole method of grain keeping at a number of settlements during the initial stages of the EH period. The practice was then abandoned and, with one exception, after the EH II–III break there is instead a strong case for domestic storage only. A potential EH I–II communal management of basic food supplies thus carries wider implications for the interpretation of the general management of settlements. Bibliographical information Monica Nilsson, ‘A note…

OpAthRom-06-08: The Makrakomi Archaeological Landscapes Project (MALP)
Article , Content / 2013-12-02

Opuscula is published by the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome, with the aid of a grant from the Swedish Research Council. Distributed by Eddy.se AB. View journal at ERIH PLUS. All content available with open access. The Makrakomi Archaeological Landscapes Project (MALP). A preliminary report on investigations carried out in 2010–2012 By Maria-Foteini Papakonstantinou, Arto Penttinen, Gregory N. Tsokas, Panagiotis I. Tsourlos, Alexandros Stampolidis, Ilias Fikos, Georgios Tassis, Konstantina Psarogianni, Lambros Stavrogiannis, Anton Bonnier, Monica Nilsson & Henrik Boman Abstract In this article we provide a preliminary report of the work carried out between 2010 and 2012 as part of the Makrakomi Archaeological Landscapes Project (MALP). The programme of research is carried out in co-operation between the Swedish Institute at Athens and the 14th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities at Lamia. The interdisciplinary project started in the summer of 2010, when a pilot survey was conducted in and around the hill of Profitis Elias, in the modern municipality of Makrakomi, where extensive traces of ancient fortifications are still visible. Systematic investigations have been conducted since 2011 as part of a five-year plan of research involving surface survey, geophysical survey and small-scale archaeological excavation as well as geomorphological investigation….

OpAthRom-03-02: Excavations in Midea 2008–2009
Article , Content / 2010-12-02

Opuscula is published by the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome, with the aid of a grant from the Swedish Research Council. Distributed by Eddy.se AB. View journal at ERIH PLUS. Content available with open access. Excavations in Midea 2008–2009 By Katie Demakopoulou, Nicoletta Divari-Valakou, Maria Lowe Fri, Madeleine Miller, Monica Nilsson & Ann-Louise Schallin Abstract Excavations in Midea continued in 2008 and 2009 as a Greek-Swedish programme under the direction of Dr Katie Demakopoulou in collaboration with Dr Ann-Louise Schallin. On the lower west terrace of the Acropolis excavation continued in Trench C in order to conclude the investigation of the syrinx discovered in 2007. A small trench was opened in the interior of Room I to examine the deposit below its floor. Furthermore, the cleaning of a large area outside the north section of the citadel wall brought to light a large part of a massive terrace wall. Investigations were made in three adjacent locations in the area east of the East Gate: in the baulk between Trenches 3 and 9, in Trench 9S and in Trench 12. As a result of these excavations new walls were discovered, which add to our previous knowledge of the layout of…

OpAthRom-02-02: Excavations in Midea 2007
Article , Content / 2009-12-02

Opuscula is published by the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome, with the aid of a grant from the Swedish Research Council. Distributed by Eddy.se AB. View journal at ERIH PLUS. All content available with open access. Excavations in Midea 2007 By Katie Demakopoulou, Nicoletta Divari-Valakou, Monica Nilsson & Ann-Louise Schallin Abstract Excavations in Midea continued in 2007 as a Greek-Swedish programme under the direction of Dr Katie Demakopoulou in collaboration with Dr Ann-Louise Schallin. In the West Gate area excavation continued in the west part of the building complex that abuts the fortification wall. Room XIV was excavated with abundant remains of LH IIIB2 pottery. A sealstone with a unique, possibly ritual, scene was also found. On the lower west terrace of the acropolis excavation continued in Trench C, where a large section of the fortification wall was uncovered. Room I was excavated here, adjacent to the inner face of the fortification wall. Finds in this room date to the early phase of LH IIIC, under which there was ample evidence of the LH IIIB2 destruction, including human skeletons. Under this debris, a large opening leading to a gallery or syrinx through the thickness of the fortification wall was…

OpAthRom-01-02: Excavations in Midea 2006
Article , Content / 2008-12-02

Opuscula is published by the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome, with the aid of a grant from the Swedish Research Council. Volume 1 is out of print. View journal at ERIH PLUS. Content available with open access. Excavations in Midea 2006 By Katie Demakopoulou, Nicoletta Divari-Valakou, Monica Nilsson, Ann-Louise Schallin & Kalliopi Nikita Abstract Excavations in Midea continued in 2006 as a Greek-Swedish programme under the direction of Dr. Katie Demakopoulou in collaboration with Dr. Ann-Louise Schallin. In the Upper Acropolis remains of an Early Helladic II defensive system were uncovered. East of this and at a lower level, a floor deposit was excavated with abundant pottery of Early Helladic I date including typical examples of the Talioti Ware. In the West Gate area excavation continued in the west part of the building complex adjacent to the fortification wall. Abundant Late helladic IIIB2 pottery was recovered from the exploration of two more rooms of the complex. A new trench was opened on the lower west terrace of the Acropolis in order to expose the line and the entire width of the fortification wall, which is almost completely covered by accumulated deposits in this area. Excavation was resumed in the…

Opuscula 1 (2008)
Open Access , Opuscula / 2008-12-01

Opuscula is published by the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome, with the aid of a grant from the Swedish Research Council. Distributed by Eddy.se AB. View journal at ERIH PLUS. Content available with open access. Opuscula. Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome 1, 2008 Contents ‘Front matter‘, 1–6 Katie Demakopoulou, Nicoletta Divari-Valakou, Monica Nilsson, Ann-Louise Schallin, with an appendix by Kalliopi Nikita, ‘Excavations in Midea 2006’, 7–30 https://doi.org/10.30549/opathrom-01-02 John K. Papadopoulos, ‘The Archaic wall of Athens. Reality or myth?’, 31–46 https://doi.org/10.30549/opathrom-01-03 Anton Bonnier, ‘Epineia kai limenes. The relationship between harbours and cities in ancient Greek texts’, 47–61 https://doi.org/10.30549/opathrom-01-04 Fabrizio Vistoli, ‘Una nuova acquisizione di ceramica “white-on red” dall’ager Veientanus’, 63–77 https://doi.org/10.30549/opathrom-01-05 Ola Wikander, ‘The religio-social message of the gold tablets of Pyrgi’, 79–84 https://doi.org/10.30549/opathrom-01-06 This contribution is only available in print. Milette Gaifmann, ‘Visualized rituals and dedicatory inscriptions on votive offerings to the Nymphs’, 85–103 https://doi.org/10.30549/opathrom-01-07 Gabriella Barbieri, ‘Materiali inediti da Sovana. Alcuni corredi funerari dalla necropoli di San Sebastiano’, 105–122 https://doi.org/10.30549/opathrom-01-08 This contribution is only available in print. Maria Gabriella Scapaticci, ‘Nuovi dati sul popolamento nella pianura di Tarquinia durante la romanizzazione. Il caso della località “Il Giglio”‘, 123–135 https://doi.org/10.30549/opathrom-01-09 Paavo Roos, ‘A forgotten tomb…

Opuscula Atheniensia 31–32 (2006–2007)
Opuscula Atheniensia / 2008-11-01

Now available for purchase at Amazon.com, Amazon.de, Bokus.com, Adlibris.com, and Bokorder.se Opuscula Atheniensia. Annual of the Swedish Institute at Athens 31–32, 2006–2007 Contents Katie Demakopoulou, Nicoletta Divari-Valakou, Monica Nilsson & Ann-Louise Schallin | Excavations in Midea 2005 Berit Wells, Arto Penttinen & Jenni Hjohlman, with contributions by Kristian Göransson, Arja Karivieri & Maria Daniela Trifirò | The Kalaureia Excavation Project. The 2004 and 2005 seasons Mats Johnson | Early farming in the land of springs. Settlement patterns and agriculture in Neolithic Greece Mercourios Georgiadis & Chrysanthi Gallou | The cemeteries of the Argolid and the south-eastern Aegean during the Mycenaean period. A landscape and waterscape assessment Helène Whittaker | Burnt animal sacrifice in Mycenaean cult. A review of the evidence David S. Reese | Organic imports from Late Bronze Age Cyprus (with special reference to Hala Sultan Tekke) Helen Mangou, Michalis Petropoulos, Alexander Gasparatos, Elias Tsakmakis & Panayiotis V. Ioannou | The temple of Artemis (F)aontia, at Rakita, Achaia, Greece. Chemical compositions of metal and glass votives Lena Sjögren | The Eteocretans. Ancient traditions and modern constructions of ethnic identity Jesper Blid | New research on Carian Labraunda in Late Antiquity Book reviews Bibliographical information Opuscula Atheniensia. Annual of the…

Opuscula Romana 31–32 (2006–2007)
Opuscula Romana / 2008-11-01

Now available for purchase at Amazon.com, Amazon.de, Bokus.com, Adlibris.com, and Bokorder.se. Opuscula Romana. Annual of the Swedish Institute in Rome 31–32, 2006–2007 Contents Johnny R. Bengtsson | Late Bronze Age handles from the Apennine settlement at Luni sul Mignone: Some chronological observations Ingela M.B. Wiman & Yvonne Backe-Forsberg | Surfacing deities in later Etruscan art and the sacellum at San Giovenale Allan Klynne | The Villa Selvasecca revisited John W. Hayes | Villa Selvasecca: the pottery finds Ebba Engström & Ragnar Hedlund | Villa Selvasecca: the coins Dominic Ingemark | Villa Selvasecca: the glass Anne-Marie Leander Touati | Interim report of the Swedish Pompeii Project: Work 2000–2004/5 in Insula V 1. Introduction Margareta Staub Gierow | The House of the Greek Epigrams V 1,18.11–12: preliminary report 2000–2004 Arja Karivieri & Renée Forsell | The House of Caecilius Iucundus, V 1,22–27: a preliminary report Henrik Boman & Monica Nilsson | The commercial establishments V 1,13; V 1, 14–16; V 1,20–21: preliminary report 2001–2004 Mark Robinson | Evidence for garden cultivation and the use of bedding-out plants in the peristyle garden of the House of the Greek Epigrams (V 1, 18i) at Pompeii Henrik Boman & Monica Nilsson | The early street…

Opuscula Atheniensia 30 (2005)
Opuscula Atheniensia / 2005-12-01

Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom editions. Opuscula Atheniensia. Annual of the Swedish Institute at Athens 30, 2005 Contents Katie Demakopoulou, Nicoletta Divari-Valakou, Ann-Louise Schallin, Lena Sjögren & Monica Nilsson | Excavations in Midea 2004 (pp. 7-34) Sandrine Ducaté-Paarmann | Images de la grossesse en Grèce ancienne: réflexions sur les modes de pensées et de comportements à l’égard du corps enceint (pp. 35-53) Johan Flemberg | A female canon: addenda (pp. 55-59) Niklas Hillbom | Minoan game markers, pieces and dice. Small archaeological finds that could have belonged to games and gaming (pp. 61-98) Eleni Mantzourani & Giorgos Vavouranakis | Achladia and Epano Zakros: a re-examination of the architecture and topography of two possible Minoan villas in east Crete (pp. 99-125) Berit Wells, Arto Penttinen, Jenni Hjohlman & Emanuel Savini | The Kalaureia Excavation Project: the 2003 season, with an appendix by Kristian Göransson (pp. 127-215) Book reviews Jeannette Forsén | S.L. Petrakis, Ayioryitika. The 1928 excavations of Carl Blegen at a Neolithic to Early Helladic settlement in Arcadia (pp. 217-218) Izabella Donkow | D. Parrish (ed.), Urbanism in Western Asia Minor: new studies on Aphrodisias, Ephesos, Hierapolis, Pergamon, Perge and Xanthos (pp. 218-221) Bibliographical information…

Opuscula Romana 30 (2005)
Opuscula Romana / 2005-12-01

Distributed by Astrom editions. See record at WorldCat. Opuscula Romana. Annual of the Swedish Institute in Rome 30, 2005 Contents Anne-Marie Leander Touati | The Piranesi marbles from Rome to Stockholm. An introduction to research in progress (pp. 7–29) Raffaela Bosso | Osservazioni sull’attività della bottega Piranesi tra Giovanni Battista e Frencesco: il caso esemplare del gruppo di candelabri con trampolieri (pp. 31–62) Dietrich Boschung & Glenys Davies | Arae Passieniorum (pp. 63–72) G.F. Guidi, C. Giardino & G. Trojsi | L’insediamento etrusco di San Giovenale (Blera, Vitterbo). Caratterizzazione chimico-fisica dei residui delle attività produttive (pp. 73–84) Kristina Jonsson | Intra mural graves in Rome. Social dimensions in early medieval burial practices (pp. 85–95) Monica Nilsson & Mark Robinson | Remains of prehistoric habitation beneath Pompeii V 1,13 (pp. 97–103) Bengt E. Thomasson | Laterculi praesidium. Addendorum series quarta (pp. 105–122) Book reviews Örjan Wikander | L. Ambrosini, Thymiateria etruschi in bronzo di età tardo classica, alto e medio ellenistica (pp. 123–131) Izabella Donkow | B. Burell, Neokoroi: Greek cities and Roman emperors (pp. 132–133) Bibliographical information Opuscula Romana. Annual of the Swedish Institute in Rome (OpRom) 30, Stockholm 2006. ISSN: 0471-7309. ISBN: 91-7042-173-0. Softcover, 133 pages. Reviews L’Antiquité Classique…