Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Deliciae fictiles. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Central Italic Architectural Terracottas at the Swedish Institute in Rome, 10–12 December 1990 Edited by Eva Rystedt, Charlotte Wikander & Örjan Wikander Thirty-three papers on architectural terracottas read at an international conference in Rome. The papers include contributions on Greek material, but the main emphasis is placed on Central Italic roofs (from Northern Etruria to Campania) from the Archaic period. Several papers present hitherto unpublished material, either recently excavated or from earlier, unpublished, excavations and collections. Contents Eva Rystedt, ‘Preface’, p. 7 Arvid Andrén, ‘L’avviamento’, p. 9 ‘General list of abbreviations’, pp. 11–16 Nancy A. Winter, ‘The Greek background for Archaic architectural terracottas of Central Italy’, pp. 17–20 John F. Kenfield, ‘A modelled terracotta frieze from Archaic Morgantina: its East Greek and Central Italian affinities’, pp. 21–28 Concetta Ciurcina, ‘Rapporti tra le terrecotte architettoniche della Sicilia orientale e quelle dell’Italia centrale’, pp. 29–38 Elena Epifanio Vanni, ‘Antefisse di tipo campano a Himera’, pp. 39–43 Maria Bonghi Jovino, ‘La decorazione architettonica di Capua: peculiarità, itinerarii e modelli’, pp. 45–54 Ninina Cuomo di Caprio & Matilde Romito, ‘Fratti di…
Out of print. Opuscula Romana 1 Arvid Andrén | Scavo sull’Acropoli di Ardea. Rapporto preliminare (pp. 1–20) Ragnhild Billig | Die Kirchenpläne “al modo antico” von Sebastiano Serlio (pp. 21–38) Christian Callmer | Flavio Biondo (pp. 39–49) Einar Gjerstad | The Fortifications of Early Rome (pp. 50–65) Krister Hanell | Die Form der römischen Eigennamen bei Polybios (pp. 66–76) Martin P. Nilsson | Roman and Greek Domestic Cult (pp. 77–85) Erik Sjöqvist | Kaisareion (pp. 86–108) J. Svennung | Phaselus ille. Zum 4. Gedicht Catulls (pp. 109–124) Bengt Erik Thomasson | Iscrizioni del Sepolcreto di Via Ostiense (pp. 125–152) Hhilding Thylander | La denomination chez Cicéron dans les letteres à Atticus (pp. 153–159) Olof Vessberg | Roman Portrait Art in Cyprus (pp. 160–165) Erik Welin | Ara Martis in Campo. Zur Frage der Bedeutung und des Umfanges des Campus Martius (pp. 166–190) Åke Åkerström | Untersuchungen über die figürlichen Terrakottafriese aus Etrurien und Latium (pp. 191–231) Bibliographical information Opuscula Romana 1 (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom, 4°, 18), Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup 1954, pp. 231.
Out of print. View at WorldCat. Opuscula Archaeologica 2 Contents Elisabeth Jastrow | Abformung und Typenwandel in der antiken Tonplastik (pp. 1–28) Alfred Westholm | Bilt tombs in Cyprus (pp. 29–58) Natan Valmin | Ein messenisches Kastell und die arkadische Grenzfrage (pp. 59–76) Gösta Säflund | Ionisches un dorisches in Magna Graecia. Bemerkungen zu den architektonischen Terrakotten von Kaulonia (pp. 77–95) Einar Gjerstad | Il Comizio Romano dell’età repubblicana (pp. 97–158) Arvid Andrén | An Archaic terracotta antefix (pp. 159–163) Åke Åkerström | Zur Frage der mykenischen Dacheindeckung (pp. 164–173) Åke Åkerström | Der Schatz von Hassle (pp. 174–182) Pavils Ziçans | Über die Haustypen der Forma Urbis (pp. 183–194) Rudi Thomsen | Studien über den ursprünglichen Bau des Caesarforums (pp. 195–218) Bibliographical information Opuscula Archaeologica 2 (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom 4°, 5), Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup 1941. ISSN: 0081-993X. Softcover: 218 pages + plates
Architectural terracottas from Etrusco-Italic temples By Arvid Andrén. Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Out of print. Bibliographical information Arvid Andrén, Architectural terracottas from Etrusco-Italic temples (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom, 4°, 3), Lund 1940.
Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Out of print. ΔΡΑΓΜΑ. Martino P. Nilsson A. D. IV. Iul. anno MCMXXXIX dedicatum Edited by Krister Hanell, Erik J. Knudtzon & Natan Valmin Contents Arvid Andrén, Una testa fittile etrusca del V secolo a. C. Ernst Arbman, Mythic and religious thought Bertil Axelson, A problem of genuinness in Juvenal Gerhard Bendz, Eine lateinische Exemplabiographie Franz Blatt, Un nouveau texte d’une apologie anonyme chrétienne Christian Blinkenberg, Règlements de sacrifices rhodiens Axel Boëthius, Vitruvius and the Roman architecture of his age Sture Bolin, Der Solidus Efraim Briem, Totemism and animal worship Samson Eitrem, Daulis in Delphoi und Apollons Strafe Knud Friis Johansen, Achill bei Chiron Einar Gjerstad, Über die Baugeschichte des republikanischen Comitium Harald Hagendahl, La « comédie » latine au XIIe siècle et ses modèles antiques Krister Hanell, Das traditionelle Anfangsjahr der römischen Republik Carsten Höeg, The second pleading of the Verres trial Johannes Lindblom, Job and Prometheus Hans Peter L’orange, Ein unbekanntes Augustusbildniss Einar Löfstedt, Zum Stil des Tacitus Ernst Nachmanson, Remarques syntaxiques sur les écrits Hippocratiques Wilhelm Norlind, Astronomische Streifzüge in Joen Petri Klints „Om meteorer“ Henrik Samuel Nyberg, Bemerkungen zum „Buch der Götzenbilder“ von Ibn al-Kalbī Anders Nygren, Die Ehrenrettung…
Corolla Archaeologica Principi Hereditario Regni Sueciae Gustavo Adolpho dedicata Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Contents O.A. Danielsson | Annius von Viterbo über die Gründungsgeschichte Roms (pp. 1–16) B. Wijkström | Welche sind die Tempel auf der Piazza Argentina? (pp. 17–30) Bengt Wall | Porticus Minucia (pp. 31–54) Erik Wistrand | Ante atria (pp. 55–63) Gösta Säflund | Porta Mugonia und Sacra Via (pp. 64–71) Åke Åkerström | Lacus Curtius und seine Sagen (pp. 72–83) Axel Boethius | The neronian “Nova Urbs”. Notes on Tacitus’ Annales, XV, 38 et. Seq., and Suetonius’ Biography of Nero, chapters 16 and 38 (pp. 84–97) Arvid Andrén | Terracotte di Ardea (pp. 98–117) Lars Fagerlind | The transformations of the Corinthian capital in Rome and Pompeii during the later Republican period. Together with a criticism of Tenney Frank’s History of the building of the Temple of Magna Mater (pp. 118–131) Martin P. Nilsson | The origins of the triumphal arch (pp. 132–139) Tönnes Kleberg | Deux noms de consuls romains (pp. 140–144) Einar Gjerstad | The palace at Vouni. A study in architectural history (pp. 145–171) Alfred Westholm | Sculptures from the temple-site at Soli-Holades (pp….