Opuscula 10 (2017)


Front cover of Opuscula. Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome 10 (2017)All content available with open access, use links below. Printed edition distributed by eddy.se AB at Bokorder.se. Also available at Amazon.com, Bokus.com, and Adlibris.com. View volume at ERIH PLUS.


Katie Demakopoulou, Nicoletta Divari-Valakou, Joseph Maran, Hans Mommsen, Susanne Prillwitz & Gisela Walberg | Clay paste characterization and provenance determination of Middle and Late Helladic vessels from Midea

Peter M. Fischer & Teresa Bürge | The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition 2016. Excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke (The Söderberg Expedition). Preliminary results

Marie-Christine Marcellesi | Power and coinage. The portrait tetradrachms of Eumenes II

Paavo Roos | The stadion of Labraunda

Stella Macheridis | Symbolic connotations of animals at early Middle Helladic Asine. A comparative study of the animal bones from settlement and its graves

Jeannette Forsén, Tatiana Smekalova & Esko Tikkala | The lower city of Asea, Arcadia. Results from a geophysical project 2001–2012

Nektarios-Peter Yioutsos | The last occupation of Asine in Argolis

Book reviews

Dissertation abstracts 2016–2017

Bibliographical information

Opuscula. Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome (OpAthRom) 10, Stockholm 2017. ISSN: 2000-0898. ISBN: 978-91-977798-9-0. Softcover, 195 pages. https://doi.org/10.30549/opathrom-10

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