ActaRom-8˚, 23: The Greek and Latin inscriptions in the Collections of Uppsala University (2013)
ActaRom-8° , Open Access / 2013-03-22

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by AB. Sylloge inscriptionum Graecarum et Latinarum Upsaliensis. The Greek and Latin inscriptions in the Collections of Uppsala University By Christer Henriksén (ed.) Abstract The present book is the first complete edition of the 24 Greek and Latin inscriptions in the Collection of Classical Antiquities and the Victoria Museum of Uppsala University. It contains an introduction that discusses the various types of inscriptions represented in the collections, their probable provenance and their history as part of the Uppsala collections. After the introduction follows the actual edition, which consists of a new reading of text of each inscription, followed (where possible) by an English translation, a summary of its physical and palaeographical features, and a line-by-line commentary. The commentary explains each text with regard to its contents and discusses points of linguistic, phraseologic, and onomastic interest. Inscriptions of particular interest are provided with separate introductions that place them in a wider historical and social context. While the commentary is intended to be useful both to specialists in epigraphy as well as to the general classicist, it also aims at providing such information that may interest the general public. The…

ActaRom-8˚, 22: A survey of Greek and Latin inscriptions on stone in Swedish collections (1997)
ActaRom-8° / 1997-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. A survey of Greek and Latin inscriptions on stone in Swedish collections Edited by Bengt E. Thomasson in collaboration with Monica Pavese. Abstract A presentation, with text and short commentary, of 202 Greek and Latin inscriptions on stone kept in collections in Göteborg (the Department of Classics and Röhsska Konstslöjdsmuseet), Uppsala (the Collection of Classical Antiquities), Stockholm (the Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antquities, the National Museum, the Gustav III:s antikmuseum, Millesgården and a private collection) and Umeå (the University of Umeå), as well as Rome (Istituto Svedese) and Anacapri (Villa San Michele di Axel Munthe). Contents Preface (p. 7) Introduction (pp. 9–10) Bibliographical abbreviations (p. 11) Inscriptions at the Swedish Institute in Rome (p. 13) La collezione epigrafica di Villa San Michele di Monica Pavese (pp. 15–75) The collection in Göteborg (pp. 77–83) The collection in Uppsala (pp. 84–94) The collection in Stockholm (pp. 95–120) Indices (pp. 121–127) Concordantiae (pp. 128–129) Bibliographical information Bengt E. Thomasson (ed.), A survey of Greek and Latin inscriptions on stone in Swedish collections (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom, 8°, 22), Stockholm 1997. ISSN: 0283-8389. ISBN: 91-7042-154-4….

ActaRom-8˚, 21: Opus Mixtum (1994)

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Opus Mixtum. Essays in ancient art and society Edited by Eva Rystedt, Charlotte Scheffer, and Charlotte Wikander Abstract Fifteen papers on various aspects of ancient art and society are gathered in this volume. They deal with the choice of moment depicted in the Parthenon frieze, the use of the Greek architectural orders in political propaganda, and the “programme” of the relief plaques from zone F at Acquarossa which is suggested to be celebrations connected to the ruler. The architectural layout of a well-temple in Sardinia is interpreted as an iconographic message of the cult of Tanit-Astarte. The significance of the horse in connection with death and the various types of female deities connected with horses in Archaic Greek religion are discussed, as well as the image of Artemis Ephesia and its connection with the mysteries of the goddess, the epithet Ambologera (“Delayer of old age”) attributed to Aphrodite, and the role of women in Roman religion. A white-ground lekythos by the Achilles Painter with the “mistress-and-maid” motif associated with music-making is analysed. A reconstruction of the Laocoon group, especially regarding the positions of the serpents is…

ActaRom-8˚, 20: Conservator urbis suae (1994)
ActaRom-8° / 1994-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Conervator urbis suae. Studies in the politics and propaganda of the emperor Maxentius Mats Cullhed Abstract The Roman emperor Maxentius (A.D. 306–312) has usually been seen as a usurper, who sought, but never gained recognition from the other rulers of the Tetrarchy. Maxentius’ reign has been considered a political failure. These studies are an attempt at re-evaluating Maxentius’ politics, as they can be reconstructed from his propaganda, for example, coins and architectural monuments, and from information in the literary sources, above all Lactantius. Interpreting this material within the context of the political realities of the early fourth century and with the aid of modern research on the Principate leads to the conclusion (a) that Maxentius could claim, by means of different criteria, that he was a legitimate ruler, (b) that he never wanted to enter the Tetrarchy, and (c) that he aspired to supreme power for himself. His main weapon of propaganda against his competitors was the city of Rome, where he resided. His position there was a challenge to the Tetrarchy’s decentralized power structure and served to undermine the concord of the tetrarchs. Bibliographical information…

ActaRom-8˚, 19: The Lundström collection of terra sigillata (1993)
ActaRom-8° / 1993-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. The Lundström collection of terra sigillata in the Museum of the Department of Classical Archaeology and Ancient History, Göteborg University By Carin Wetter Abstract This study is and investigation of the collection of stamped terra sigillata sherds which is stored at the Museum of the Department of Classical Archaeology and Ancient History at Göteborg University. The sherds were bought in 1909 by Vilhelm Lundström, the professor of Latin at the newly founded Göteborgs Högskola (1891), when visiting Rome with his students. It is argued that there are reasons to assume that the sherds were not only bough in Rome but that they were also found there, as was, for example, the well-known Riese Collection, bought there at the same time, and furthermore that this was due to the extensive excavations alongside the River Tiber when the embankments were built. The aim of the investigation is to interpret the stamps, to identify the workshops and, if possible, to establish the shape of the vessel of which the sherd was once a part. For this purpose, the description of the stamp has been complemented with photographs and meticulous…

ActaRom-8˚, 18: Legatus (1991)
ActaRom-8° / 1991-02-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Legatus. Beiträge zur römischen Verwaltungsgeschichte By Bengt E. Thomasson. Bibliographical information Bengt E. Thomasson, Das altrömische eponyme Amt (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom, 8°, 18), Stockholm 1991.

ActaRom-8˚, 17: Munuscula Romana (1991)

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Munuscula Romana. Papers read at a conference in Lund (October 1–2, 1988) in celebration of the re-opening of the Swedish Institute in Rome Edited by Anne-Marie Leander Touati, Eva Rystedt & Örjan Wikander. Preface In October 1988, the Swedish Institute in Rome was reopened after a period of renovation. From the point of view of Classical scholarship in Sweden, this reopening was an event that called for celebration: thus a symposium was held in Lund, on the initiative of the Department of Classical studies at the University, in collaboration with the South Swedish chapter of the Society of Friends of the Institute (October 1–2, 1988). The aim of the symposium was to give an idea of the current range of Swedish scholarship within the Italic and Roman spheres. This research is carried out in numerous disciplines—history (political, social, economic), epigraphy, numismatics, religion, art, etc.—and within broad chronological frames (from prehistory to Late Antiquity). Of the papers read at the symposium, most are presented here, in revised versions. Regrettably, four lectures which contributed to the wide range of subjects, do not appear: P.G. Gierow, ‘The Aeneas legend’;…

ActaRom-8˚, 16: The spoils of Jerusalem on the Arch of Titus (1991)
ActaRom-8° / 1991-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. The spoils of Jerusalem on the Arch of Titus. A re-investigation By Leon Yarden Abstract Leon Yarden published his doctoral thesis in a revised form under the title The tree of life (London 1971). Its subject was the menorah (seven-branched lampstand) depicted on the Arch of Titus in Rome as a part of the spoils from the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70. The present book forms the continuation and completion of this work on the relief and covers not only the menorah but also the other ritual objects depicted with it – the ceremonial table, the two receptacles on the table and the two trumpets attached to the table. Dr. Yarden made a comprehensive study of the relief in situ in the summer of 1975, and this was supported by a photogrammetric survey made by Mr. C.-O. Jonason, of the Department of Photogrammetry at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. The purpose of this study was (1) to establish the precise appearance of the ritual objects today, (2) to gain as closely as possible a notion of their…

ActaRom-8˚, 15: Sicilian architectural terracottas (1986)
ActaRom-8° / 1986-01-02

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Sicilian architectural terracottas. A reappraisal By Charlotte Wikander Abstract The study of the architectural terracottas of Sicily, like that of architectural terracottas as a whole, has gained momentum through the recent finds of early terracotta production in Central Italy (Acquarossa and Poggio Civitate). These finds call for a reevaluation of the early period and subsequent development of this particular craft, where the situation in, and influences to and from, different geographical areas are examined. The architectural terracottas of Sicily must necessarily be an important part of such studies; the present work is aimed at facilitating this through a collection, as thorough as possible, of material hitherto very disparately presented (Catalogue). The practical possibilities of contrasting and comparing different assemblies are considered of paramount importance, hence the inclusion of schematized drawings in consistent scale to as great an extent as possible. A short analytical summary discusses the different members; the roofs treated are all of the type with lateral, as well as raking simas. Antefix roofs are not included in the discussion, which starts with the earliest type of sima (Himera, Grammichele, Syrakusai) and goes on to…

ActaRom-8˚, 14: La cura dei monumenti alle origini (1986)
ActaRom-8° / 1986-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. La cura dei monumenti alle origini. Restauro e scavo di monumenti antichi a Roma 1800–1830 Translated title: The beginnings of the preservation of monuments—the uncovering and restauration of ancient monuments in Rome 1800–1830 By Marita Jonsson Abstract Throughout the ages buildings have been maintained. When necessary, improvements have been made, alterations have taken place, new functions have been allotted. During the nineteenth century, buildings began to be restored with the sole purpose of preserving them for the future. France has been considered a leading country in this respect, and with the restoration architect Eugène Viollet-le-Duc a number of so-called style restorations started with the purpose of recreating the buildings in the style in which they were considered to have been built originally. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, preservation of monuments in Rome took a different direction to what became dominant in Europe during the latter part of that century. In Rome the primary aim was to keep the buildings in a good state of repair by simple means. The repairs were often carried out in materials that differed from the original, and were in…