Distributed by Astrom editions. See record at WorldCat. Contents Anne-Marie Leander Touati | The Piranesi marbles from Rome to Stockholm. An introduction to research in progress (pp. 7–29) Raffaela Bosso | Osservazioni sull’attività della bottega Piranesi tra Giovanni Battista e Frencesco: il caso esemplare del gruppo di candelabri con trampolieri (pp. 31–62) Dietrich Boschung & Glenys Davies | Arae Passieniorum (pp. 63–72) G.F. Guidi, C. Giardino & G. Trojsi | L’insediamento etrusco di San Giovenale (Blera, Vitterbo). Caratterizzazione chimico-fisica dei residui delle attività produttive (pp. 73–84) Kristina Jonsson | Intra mural graves in Rome. Social dimensions in early medieval burial practices (pp. 85–95) Monica Nilsson & Mark Robinson | Remains of prehistoric habitation beneath Pompeii V 1,13 (pp. 97–103) Bengt E. Thomasson | Laterculi praesidium. Addendorum series quarta (pp. 105–122) Book reviews Örjan Wikander | L. Ambrosini, Thymiateria etruschi in bronzo di età tardo classica, alto e medio ellenistica (pp. 123–131) Izabella Donkow | B. Burell, Neokoroi: Greek cities and Roman emperors (pp. 132–133) Bibliographical information Opuscula Romana. Annual of the Swedish Institute in Rome (OpRom) 30, Stockholm 2006. ISSN: 0471-7309. ISBN: 91-7042-173-0. Softcover, 133 pages. Reviews L’Antiquité Classique (Jean-Charles Balty)
Distributed by Astrom Editions. This volume of the Opuscula Atheniensia is dedicated to Pontus Hellström. Contents Katie Demakopoulou, Nicoletta Divari-Valakou, Ann-Louise Schallin, Erika Weiberg, Lena Sjögren & Monica Nilsson | Excavations in Midea 2003 (pp. 9-27) Izabella Donkow | A Hellenistic wreathed male head from Cyprus in the Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities in Stockholm (pp. 29-38) Niklas Hillbom | The Knossos game board (pp. 39-71) Isabelle Ratinaud-Lachkar | Insoumise Asiné? Pour une mise en perspective des sources littéraires et archéologiques relatives à la destruction d’Asiné par Argos en 715 avant notre ère (pp. 73-88) Book reviews Søren Dietz | M. Lindblom, Marks and makers. Appearance, distribution and function of Middle and Late Helladic manufacturers’ marks on Aeginetan pottery (pp. 89-90) Carl Nylander | J. Boardman, Persia and the West: an archaeological investigation of the genesis of Achaemenid art (pp. 90-92) Paavo Roos | P. Debord & E. Varinlioglu (eds.), Les hautes terres de Carie (pp. 92-94) Renée Forsell | S.E. Alcock, J.F. Cherry & J. Elsner (eds.), Pausanias. Travel and memory in Roman Greece (pp. 94-95) Jan Olof Rosenqvist | C. Mango (ed.), The Oxford History of Byzantium (pp. 95-97) Books received (p. 98) The published writings…
Distributed by Astrom Editions. See record at WorldCat. Contents Olof Brandt | Jews and Christians in Late Antique Rome and Ostia: some aspects of archaeological and documentary evidence (pp. 7-27) Consuelo Cecchini & Caterina Pisu | Due tombe a camera inedite da ‘Poggio delle Ginestre’—Trevignano Romano (RM): informazioni archeologiche e dati topografici (pp. 29-46) Pamela Hemphill & Gabriella Barbieri | Materiali arcaici dal territorio di Blera (VT): la tomba 69 di Civitella Cesi (pp. 47-55) Karin Lundkvist | Priests in Livy (pp. 57-71) Margareta Strandberg Olofsson | White-on-red from Acquarossa: some large decorated vessels and their chronological implications (pp. 73-89) Book reviews Ingrid Pohl | W. Regter, Imitation and creation. Development of early bucchero design at Cerveteri in the seventh century BC (p. 91) Olof Brandt | M. Ghilardi, Subterranea Civitas. Quattro studi sulle catacombe romane dal medioevo all’età moderna (pp. 92-93) Books received (p. 94) Bibliographical information Opuscula Romana. Annual of the Swedish Institute in Rome (OpRom) 29, Stockholm 2005. ISSN: 0471-7309. ISBN: 91-7042-171-4. Softcover, 94 pages.
Distributed by Astrom Editions. Contents Katie Demakopoulou, Nicoletta Divari-Valakou & Ann-Louise Schallin | Excavations in Midea 2002 (pp. 7-28) Berit Wells, Arto Penttinen & Marie Françoise Billot | Investigations in the sanctuary of Poseidon on Kalaureia 1997-2001 (pp. 29-87) Charles M. Adelman | The find group pottery from the Swedish excavations at Sina, Cyprus: significant sherds selected by Arne Furumark for his working notebook (pp. 89-171) Robert Parker | The problem of the Greek cult epithet (pp. 173-183) Birgitta L. Sjöberg | Settlement activity at Late Helladic Asine in the Argolid (pp. 185-201) Book reviews Lyvia Morgan | N. Marinatos, The Goddess and the Warrior. The naked goddess and Mistress of Animals in early Greek religion (pp. 203-204) Gunnel Ekroth | M. Deoudi, Heroenkulte in homerischer Zeit (pp. 204-207) Björn Forsén | Y.A. Pikoulas, Αρκαδια. Συλλογὴ μελετών (pp. 207-208) Björn Forsén | Y.A. Pikoulas, Λεξικό των οικισμών της Πελοποννήσου: παλαιά και νέα τοπωνύμια & F.A. Cooper (ed.), Houses of the Morea. Vernacular architecture of the northwest Peloponnesos (1205-1955) (pp. 209-210) Izabella Donkow | V. Tatton-Brown (ed.), Cyprus in the 19th century AD: fact, fancy and fiction. Papers of the 22nd British Museum Classical Colloquium, December 1998 (pp. 211-213) Books received…
Distributed by Astrom editions. Contents Anne-Marie Leander Touati | Prologue to the Ninth Boëthius Lecture celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Swedish Institute in Rome (pp. 7-8) Antonio Manfredi | San Lorenzo in Lucina, Jean Le Jeune, Jean Jouffroy and the search for manuscripts in France during the papacy of Nicholas V (1447-1451) with a note by Maria Elena Bertoldi (pp. 9-34) Janne P. Ikäheimo | The ploughsoil assemblage of Zone 4a at Ficana (Monte Cugno) (pp. 35-45) Charlotte Scheffer | Dangerous driving: an Etruscan motif against the Greek and Roman background (pp. 47-72) Margareta Strandberg Olofsson | Four imported transport Amphorae from Acquarossa (pp. 73-83) Book reviews David Ridgway | J.R. Brandt & L. Karlsson (eds.), From huts to houses. Transformations of ancient societies. Proceedings of an International Seminar organized by the Norwegian and Swedish Institutes in Rome, 21-24 September 1997 (pp. 85-88) Örjan Wikander | B. Ginge, Excavations at Satricum (Borgo Le Ferriere 1907-1910: Northwest necropolis. Southwestsanctuary and Acropolis (pp. 88-89) Örjan Wikander | A.-M.Romeuf & J. Romeuf, Le quartier artisanal gallo-romain des Martres-de-Veyre (Puy-de-Dôme) (pp. 89-90) Monika Aszalos | S.J. Harrison (ed.), Texts, ideas, and the classics. Scholarship, theory, and classical literature (pp. 90-93) Marianne Wifstrand Schiebe…
Distributed by Astrom Editions. Contents Hans-Günther Buchholz | Arthur Milchhöfer, ein Verehrer und Führsprecher Schliemanns und “Die Anfänge der Kunst in Griechenland” (pp. 7-26) Katie Demakopoulou, Nicoletta Divari-Valakou, Ann-Louise Schallin, Gunnel Ekroth, Anna Lindblom, Monica Nilsson & Lena Sjögren | Excavations in Midea 2000 and 2001, with an appendix by Y. Bassiakos (pp. 27-58) Johan Flemberg | A female canon in Late Classical and Hellenistic sculpture (pp. 59-82) Jeannette Forsén, Björn Forsén & Lars Karlsson | The walls of Asea (pp. 83-104) Helen Mangou & Panayiotis V. Ioannou | Trends in the making of Greek copper-based artefacts during the prehistoric period (4000-1050 BC) (pp. 105-118) Gullög Nordquist | Pots, prestige and people. Symbolic action in Middle Helladic burials (pp. 109-135) Mirena Slavova | Mystery clubs in Bulgarian lands in antiquity. Greek epigraphical evidence (pp. 137-149) Helène Whittaker | Religion and power. The nature of Minoan influence on early Mycenaean religion (pp. 151-157) Book reviews Björn Forsén | E. Kourinou, Σπάρτη. Συμβολὴ στὴ μνημειακὴ τοπογραφία τησ (pp. 159-160) Johannes Siapkas | J. McInerney, The folds of Parnassos. Land and ethnicity in ancient Phokis (pp. 160-163) Paavo Roos | S.I. Rotroff, The Athenian Agora XXIX. The Hellenistic pottery: Athenian and imported wheelmade…
Distributed by Astrom Editions. Contents Gabriella Barbieri | La necropoli etrusca di Poggio Giulivo presso Viterbo (pp. 7-77) Maria Costanza Lentini, Kristian Göransson & Adam Lindhagen | Excavations at Sicilian Caronia, ancient Kale Akte, 1999-2001 with a contribution by Paola Pelagatti (pp. 79-108) Francesca Serra Ridgway | Oriental(izing) motifs in Etruscan art (pp. 109-122) Margareta Strandberg Olofsson | Two Etruscan transport amphorae from Acquarossa (pp. 123-133) Book review Martin Söderlind | V. Acconcia, Il santuario del Pozzarello a Bolsena. Scavi Gabrici 1904 (pp. 135-138) Books received (p. 138) Bibliographical information Opuscula Romana. Annual of the Swedish Institute in Rome (OpRom) 27, Stockholm 2002. ISSN: 0471-7309. ISBN: 91-7042-166-8. Softcover, 138 pages.
Distributed by Astrom Editions. Contents Suzanne Dixon | How do you count them if they’re not there? New perspectives on Roman cloth production (pp. 7-17) Dominic Ingemark | Literacy in Roman Britain: the epigraphical evidence (pp. 19-30) Viktoria Laeben-Rosén | The importance of patricians as symbolic carriers of tradition in late-Antonine and Severan society (pp 31-44) Peter Liljenstolpe | Rustication and decor in Roman architecture: their reflection in the architecture of the 16th century with special attention to their use in the classical orders (pp. 45-72) Eva Minten | Roman children and their pets: a socio-iconographical survey (pp. 73-77) Mia-Maria Salomonsson | Roman legates in the Republic (pp. 79-88) Martin Söderlind | Romanization and the use of votive offerings in the eastern Ager Vulcentis (pp. 89-102) Örjan Wikander | Senators and equites VIII. The cognomina of new men in the Late Republic (pp. 103-108) Ingela M.B. Wiman & Sten Ekman | Man and nature in Etruria: natural resources management in the Massetano area (Tuscany, Italy) (pp. 109-124) Book reviews Ingela M.B. Wiman | L. Bonfante, Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum: USA 3. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (pp. 125-128) Martin Söderlind | J.W. Bouma, Religio Votiva: the archaeology of Latial votive…
Distributed by Astrom Editions. Robin Hägg dedicata Contents Therese Åkerstedt | Hellenistic-Roman chamber toms at Milas: Swedish excavations 1938 (pp. 9–23) Yvonne Backe-Forsberg, Christina Risberg & Yannis Bassiakos | Metal-working at Asine. Report on the remains of iron production from the Barbouna area and the area east of the Acropolis (pp. 25–34) Katie Demakopoulou, Nicoletta Divari-Valakou, Paul Åström & Gisela Walberg | Work in Midea 1997–1999: excavation, conservation, restoration (pp. 35–52) Niklas Hillbom | Minoan and Eastern Mediterranean games and game boards: a history of research (pp. 53–65) Kerstin Höghammar | A note on the border conflict between Argos and Sparta in the second century B.C. (pp. 67–70) Petra Pakkanen | The relationship between continuity and change in Dark Age Greek religion: a methodological study (pp. 71–88) Introduction: Mycenaean pictorial pottery (p. 89) Vassos Karageorghis | The Mycenaean pottery of the pictorial style: achievements and perspectives (pp. 91–93) Hans Mommsen & Joseph Maran | Production places of some Mycenaean pictorial vessels: the contribution of chemical pottery analysis (pp. 95–106) Lucia Vagnetti | Preliminary remarks on Mycenaean pictorial pottery from the central Mediterranean (pp. 107–115) Miscellanea Evangelos Kyriakidis | Pithos or baetyl? On the interpretation of a group of Minoan rings…
Distributed by Astrom Editions. Birgitta Bergquist dedicata Contents Donald W. Jones | The archaeology and economy of Homeric gift exchange Donald W. Jones | The conundrum of Greek population growth in the 8th century B.C. Burials, settlements, and wells Jane F. Lloyd | The three-dimensional form of the light area of the Minoan hall system and the southeast corner of the South Hous at Knossos Jari Pakkanen | Defining the possible column shaft height range and profile. A case study based on the temple of Zeus at Labraunda Eva Rystedt | No words, only pictures. Iconography in the transition between the Bronze Age and the Iron Age in Greece Zofia Stos-Gale, Maria Kayafa & Noel Gale | The origin of metals from the Bronze Age site of Nichoria Lars Walløe | Was the disruption of the Mycenaean world caused by repeated epidemics of bubonic plague? Bookreviews Jeannette Forsén | E. Christmann, Die Deutschen Ausgrabungen auf der Pevkakia-Magula in Thessalien II. Die Frühe Bronzezeit Jeannette Forsén | J.B. Rutter, Lerna III. The pottery of Lerna IV Michael Wedde | K. Sbonias, Frühkretische Siegel. Ansätze für eine Interpretation der sozialpolitischen Entwicklung auf Kreta während der Frühbronzezeit Ann-Louise Schallin | Late Minoan III…