Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions.
Munuscula Romana. Papers read at a conference in Lund (October 1–2, 1988) in celebration of the re-opening of the Swedish Institute in Rome
Edited by Anne-Marie Leander Touati, Eva Rystedt & Örjan Wikander.
In October 1988, the Swedish Institute in Rome was reopened after a period of renovation. From the point of view of Classical scholarship in Sweden, this reopening was an event that called for celebration: thus a symposium was held in Lund, on the initiative of the Department of Classical studies at the University, in collaboration with the South Swedish chapter of the Society of Friends of the Institute (October 1–2, 1988).
The aim of the symposium was to give an idea of the current range of Swedish scholarship within the Italic and Roman spheres. This research is carried out in numerous disciplines—history (political, social, economic), epigraphy, numismatics, religion, art, etc.—and within broad chronological frames (from prehistory to Late Antiquity).
Of the papers read at the symposium, most are presented here, in revised versions. Regrettably, four lectures which contributed to the wide range of subjects, do not appear: P.G. Gierow, ‘The Aeneas legend’; B. Malcus, ‘Towns and landowners in Asia Minor during the Empire’; T. Tinz, ‘The Hypogaeum of the Aurelii’; M. Cullhed, ‘Maxentius as princeps’ (published in OpRom 17, 1989, 9–19).
On the other hand, two papers not read at the symposium are included in the present volume: those of Å. Fridh and I.M.B. Wiman, A.-K. Ekholm and K.G. Malmqvist.
Our thanks are given to Dr Carole Gillis, who edited the English, and Ms. Ann-Christin Hansson, who helped considerably with the typing.
A s a token of esteem we dedicate the present volume to the Institute, the valuable base for our studies—past, present and future.
Lund, November 1989
Anne-Marie Leander Touati, Eva Rystedt, Örjan Wikander
‘Preface’, p. 7
Paul Åström, ‘Early relations between the East Mediterranean and Italy’, pp. 9–15
Charlotte Malmgren, ‘Early settlement at Ficana’, pp. 17–28
Eva Rystedt, ‘The Archaic frieze plaques from Regia in Rome: some preliminary observations on style and iconography’, pp. 29–41
Marianne Prohaszka, ‘Iron fibulae from Metaponto around 400 B.C.’, pp. 43–50
Charlotte Scheffer, ‘Harbingers of death? The female demon in Late Etruscan funerary art’, pp. 51–63
Charlotte Wikander, ‘Roman women of the nobility—potentates or puppets?’, pp. 65–71
Örjan Wikander, ‘Senators and equites. On the relations between the ruling classes in the Late Republic’, pp. 73–82
Åke Fridh, ‘Aedes Aemiliana Herculis, myth or reality? A note on Festus p. 282, 19 Lindsay’, pp. 83–88
Erik Wistrand, ‘Cicero as defender of the res publica’, pp. 89–94
Ann-Kristin Ekholm, Klas G. Malmqvist and Ingela M.B. Wiman, ‘Partitioning of chemical elements between the bulk and the surface material on two Roman bronze mirrors’, pp. 95–103
Beng E. Thomasson, ‘Römische Inschriftenpoesie’, pp. 105–110
Pontus Reimers, ‘Roman sewers and sewerage networks—neglected areas of study’, pp. 111–116
Anne-Marie Leander Touati, ‘Portrait and historical relief. Some remarks on the meaning of Caracalla’s sole ruler portrait’, pp. 117–131
Lennart Lind, ‘Rome outside the Empire in Northern and Eastern Europe’, pp. 133–138
Bibliographical information
Anne-Marie Leander Touati, Eva Rystedt & Örjan Wikander, eds., Munuscula Romana. Papers read at a conference in Lund (October 1–2, 1988) in celebration of the re-opening of the Swedish Institute in Rome (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom, 8°, 17, Stockholm 1991. ISSN: 0283-8389. ISBN: 978-91-7042-159-4. Softcover: 138 pages.
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