Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions.
New research on old material from Asine and Berbati in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Swedish Institute at Athens
Edited by Berit Wells
After an introductory paper on the creation of a Swedish Archaeological School at Athens, ten papers deal with subjects associated with material excavated at Asine and Berbati in the Argolid before the new wave of excavations in the 1970’s. The following subject matters are discussed in relation to Asine: the emergence of an élite in the Middle Helladic (MH) period; pre-firing marks on MH Aeginetan pottery; wooden boxes used as coffins for infants in MH times; MH child morbidity and child mortality; Asine as a case of economic interaction in the Argolid; the provenience and alloy compositions of metal objects diachronically; the source of iron during the Geometric period; bridging the gap in settlement between 700 and 300 BC. Two papers are concerned with Berbati: one underlines the continuity of the Mastos settlement from Early Helladic II into EH III; and one lays out the possibilities for a detailed study of the provenience of the local Mycenaean ceramics.
Preface (p. 7)
Berit Wells, The prehistory of the Swedish Institute at Athens (pp. 9–22)
Gullög Nordquist, Intra- and extramural, single and collective, burials in the Middle and Late Helladic periods (pp. 23–29)
Michael Lindblom, Aeginetan potters’ marks at Asine: a pilot study (pp. 31–42)
Lisa Mårtensson, Traces of boxes: linings of wooden boxes in Helladic tombs (pp. 43–48)
Anne Ingvarsson-Sundström, Small parts of society—skeletal remains of children at Asine (pp. 49–56)
Birgitta L. Sjöberg, Economic interaction on the Argive plain. A research note on Late Helladic Asine (pp. 57–69)
Carole Gillis, A diachronic study of metals from Asine: provenances and implications (pp. 71–84)
Yvonne Backe-Forsberg & Christina Risberg, Archaeometallurgical methods applied to remains of iron production from the Geometric period at Asine (pp. 85–94)
Berit Wells, Evidence for cult at the acropolis of Asine from Late Geometric through Archaic and Classical times (pp. 95–133)
Jeannette Forsén, The Early Bronze Age at Berbati (pp. 135–139)
Ann-Louise Schallin, Pots for sale: the Late Helladic IIIA and IIIB ceramic production at Berbati (pp. 141–155)
Bibliographical information
Berit Wells, ed., New research on old material from Asine and Berbati in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Swedish Institute at Athens, (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 8°, 17), Stockholm 2002. ISSN 0081-9921. ISBN 978-91-7916-043-2.
L’Antiquité Classique 73, 2004, 571–572 (Ilse Schoep)
Revue des Études Anciennes 109, 2007, 343–345 (Olivier Mariaud)
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