Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Opuscula Atheniensia 1 Contents Martin P. Nilsson | The Prehistoric Migrations of the Greeks (pp. 1–8) Åke Åkerström | Some pictorial Vase Representations from the Mainland in Late-Helladic Times (pp. 9–28) Natan Valmin | Malthi-Epilog, Vorläufiger Bericht über die schwedische Ausgrabung in Messenien 1952 (pp. 29–46) Arne Furumark | A Scarab from Cyprus (pp. 47–65) Åke Elmquist | An Italic Vase-Painter of the Early 6th Century B.C. (pp. 66–79) Erik J. Holmberg | The so-called Vase Painter of Athens 1806 (pp. 80–86) Erik Sjöqvist | The Early Style of Lysippus (pp. 87–97) Arvid Andrén | A Puzzle of Bronzes (pp. 98–103) Willy Schwabacher | Der Parthenos-Archetyp der hellenistischen Silbermünzen Athens (pp. 104–114) Olof Vessberg | Hellenistic and Roman Lamps in Cyprus (pp. 115–129) T.B. Mitford | Seleucus and Theodorus (pp. 130–171) Axel Boëthius | Die hellenisierte italische Stadt der römischen Republik (pp. 172–186) Einar Gjerstad | Lunar Months of Hesiod and Homer (pp. 187–194) Albert Wifstrand | Ein Epigramm aus Kappadokien (pp. 195–198) Gösta Säflund | Karische Inschriften aus Labranda (pp. 199–205) Paul Åström | Three Gravestones from Mersinet (pp. 206–207) Christian Callmer | Sam Wide und die ersten…
Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Out of print. ΔΡΑΓΜΑ. Martino P. Nilsson A. D. IV. Iul. anno MCMXXXIX dedicatum Edited by Krister Hanell, Erik J. Knudtzon & Natan Valmin Contents Arvid Andrén, Una testa fittile etrusca del V secolo a. C. Ernst Arbman, Mythic and religious thought Bertil Axelson, A problem of genuinness in Juvenal Gerhard Bendz, Eine lateinische Exemplabiographie Franz Blatt, Un nouveau texte d’une apologie anonyme chrétienne Christian Blinkenberg, Règlements de sacrifices rhodiens Axel Boëthius, Vitruvius and the Roman architecture of his age Sture Bolin, Der Solidus Efraim Briem, Totemism and animal worship Samson Eitrem, Daulis in Delphoi und Apollons Strafe Knud Friis Johansen, Achill bei Chiron Einar Gjerstad, Über die Baugeschichte des republikanischen Comitium Harald Hagendahl, La « comédie » latine au XIIe siècle et ses modèles antiques Krister Hanell, Das traditionelle Anfangsjahr der römischen Republik Carsten Höeg, The second pleading of the Verres trial Johannes Lindblom, Job and Prometheus Hans Peter L’orange, Ein unbekanntes Augustusbildniss Einar Löfstedt, Zum Stil des Tacitus Ernst Nachmanson, Remarques syntaxiques sur les écrits Hippocratiques Wilhelm Norlind, Astronomische Streifzüge in Joen Petri Klints „Om meteorer“ Henrik Samuel Nyberg, Bemerkungen zum „Buch der Götzenbilder“ von Ibn al-Kalbī Anders Nygren, Die Ehrenrettung…
Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Out of print. View at WorldCat. Opuscula Archaeologica 1 Contents Fasc. 1 Erik Sjöqvist & Alfred Westholm | Zur Zeitbestimmung der Helena- und Constantiasarkophage (pp. 1–46) Gerhard Bendz | Sur la question de la ville de la Laurente (pp. 47–63) Gösta Säflund | Ancient Latin cities of the hills and the plains, a study in the evolution of settlements in ancient Italy (pp. 64–85) Fasc. 2 Gösta Säflund | The dating of ancient fortifications in Southern Italy and Greece, with special reference to Hipponium (pp. 87–119) Martin P. Nilsson | The triumphal arch and town planning (pp. 120–128) Axel W. Persson | Die hellenistische Schiffbaukunst und die Nemischiffe (pp. 129–163) Axel Boethius | Das Stadtbild im spätrepublikanischen Rom (pp. 164–195) Karl Lehmann-Hartleben & John Lindros | Il palazzo degli orti Sallustiani (pp. 196–227) Bibliographical information Opuscula Archaeologica 1 (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom 4°, 4:1 & 2), Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup 1934 & 1935. ISSN: 0081-993X. Softcover: 227 pages + plates Reviews American Journal of Archaeology 39:1, 1935, 164 (Tenney Frank) The Classical Review 49:6, 1935, 237-238 (R. Gardner) The Journal of Roman Studies, 25:1, 1935, 114-115…
Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Corolla Archaeologica Principi Hereditario Regni Sueciae Gustavo Adolpho dedicata Contents O.A. Danielsson | Annius von Viterbo über die Gründungsgeschichte Roms (pp. 1–16) B. Wijkström | Welche sind die Tempel auf der Piazza Argentina? (pp. 17–30) Bengt Wall | Porticus Minucia (pp. 31–54) Erik Wistrand | Ante atria (pp. 55–63) Gösta Säflund | Porta Mugonia und Sacra Via (pp. 64–71) Åke Åkerström | Lacus Curtius und seine Sagen (pp. 72–83) Axel Boethius | The neronian “Nova Urbs”. Notes on Tacitus’ Annales, XV, 38 et. Seq., and Suetonius’ Biography of Nero, chapters 16 and 38 (pp. 84–97) Arvid Andrén | Terracotte di Ardea (pp. 98–117) Lars Fagerlind | The transformations of the Corinthian capital in Rome and Pompeii during the later Republican period. Together with a criticism of Tenney Frank’s History of the building of the Temple of Magna Mater (pp. 118–131) Martin P. Nilsson | The origins of the triumphal arch (pp. 132–139) Tönnes Kleberg | Deux noms de consuls romains (pp. 140–144) Einar Gjerstad | The palace at Vouni. A study in architectural history (pp. 145–171) Alfred Westholm | Sculptures from the temple-site at Soli-Holades (pp….