Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions.
Opuscula Atheniensia. Annual of the Swedish Institute at Athens 28, 2003
Katie Demakopoulou, Nicoletta Divari-Valakou & Ann-Louise Schallin | Excavations in Midea 2002 (pp. 7-28)
Berit Wells, Arto Penttinen & Marie Françoise Billot | Investigations in the sanctuary of Poseidon on Kalaureia 1997-2001 (pp. 29-87)
Charles M. Adelman | The find group pottery from the Swedish excavations at Sina, Cyprus: significant sherds selected by Arne Furumark for his working notebook (pp. 89-171)
Robert Parker | The problem of the Greek cult epithet (pp. 173-183)
Birgitta L. Sjöberg | Settlement activity at Late Helladic Asine in the Argolid (pp. 185-201)
Book reviews
Lyvia Morgan | N. Marinatos, The Goddess and the Warrior. The naked goddess and Mistress of Animals in early Greek religion (pp. 203-204)
Gunnel Ekroth | M. Deoudi, Heroenkulte in homerischer Zeit (pp. 204-207)
Björn Forsén | Y.A. Pikoulas, Αρκαδια. Συλλογὴ μελετών (pp. 207-208)
Björn Forsén | Y.A. Pikoulas, Λεξικό των οικισμών της Πελοποννήσου: παλαιά και νέα τοπωνύμια & F.A. Cooper (ed.), Houses of the Morea. Vernacular architecture of the northwest Peloponnesos (1205-1955) (pp. 209-210)
Izabella Donkow | V. Tatton-Brown (ed.), Cyprus in the 19th century AD: fact, fancy and fiction. Papers of the 22nd British Museum Classical Colloquium, December 1998 (pp. 211-213)
Books received (p. 214)
Bibliographical information
Opuscula Atheniensia. Annual of the Swedish Institute at Athens (OpAth) 28, Stockholm 2004. ISSN: 0078-5520. ISBN: 91-7916-048-4. Softcover, 214 pages.
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