Suecoromana 09: The condottiere prince – A visual rhetoric (2020)
Suecoromana / 2020-12-07

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by AB. The condottiere prince – A visual rhetoric. Leonello d’Este, Sigismondo Malatesta, Alessandro Sforza, Federico da Montefeltro By Johan Eriksson Abstract The aim of this study is to display the role of the patrons in the commissions of Italian Renaissance art and architecture, but also to describe their usage of art and architecture for visual communication. For this purpose four condottiere princes from the 15th century have been chosen to exemplify these phenomena. By reconstructing and comparing commissions and artefacts from the courts of Leonello d’Este in Ferrara, Sigismondo Malatesta in Rimini, Alessandro Sforza in Pesaro and Federico da Montefeltro in Urbino with the political history, the visual language and the propagandists function of art are being described. The first chapter is an introduction to the subject and the four following ones are chronological accounts for and interpretations of the condottiere princes’ visual rhetoric. In a concluding chapter the visual language of the four princes are compared and a deeper interpretation is launched, the perspective is widened and the heritage of the princely rhetoric is depicted. The activities of the condottieri was a phenomenon which culminated at…

Suecoromana 08: City of the Soul (2015)

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by AB. City of the Soul. The literary making of Rome Edited by Sabrina Norlander Eliasson & Stefano Fogelberg Rota Abstract How Rome was experienced and conveyed in travel literature from the centuries preceding and following the period of the Grand Tour is the subject of this book. Its point of departure was the international and interdisciplinary conference The City of the Soul. The literary making of Rome, held at the Swedish Institute in Rome (9–10 September, 2010). The authors of the 13 essays contained in the book examine the writings of both renowned and less known travellers from different countries (Sweden, France, England, United States, etc.). The great variety of angles and perspectives presented in the book depends on the different motives and expectations of the examined authors. Their writings (travelogues, poetry, novels, letters, intimate diaries, etc.) show the Eternal City not only as a topographic reality but also as a complex myth embracing the idea of Western civilisation. Contents Introduction Sabrina Norlander Eliasson & Stefano Fogelberg Rota | The literary making of an eternal city Setting the premises Anders Cullhed | “Rome as a trope”. Some…

Suecoromana 07: The urban transformation of medieval Rome (2004)
Suecoromana / 2004-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. The urban transformation of medieval Rome, 312–1420 By Torgil Magnusson Bibliographical information Torgil Magnusson, The urban transformation of medieval Rome, 312–1420 (Suecoromana. Studia artis historiae instituti romani regni Sueciae 7), Stockholm 2004. ISBN 978-91-7042-167-9, ISSN 1102-7940. Hard cover: 162 pages.

Suecoromana 06: Ab Aquilone (1999)
Suecoromana / 1999-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome and the National Archives of Sweden. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Ab Aquilone. Nordic studies in honour and memory of Leonard E. Boyle Edited by Marie-Louise Rodén Abstract Ab Aquilone. This well known inscription beneath the fresco of the North Wind in the Vatican Torre dei Venti, which in the 17th century was discreetly painted over for the impending visit of Queen Christina of Sweden, concisely expresses the relations of the northern, Protestant countries and Catholic Europe in the post-Reformation era. But these once problematic relations are today characterized by the broader acknowledgement of a common cultural heritage. Many Nordic scholars have profited from the possibility of pursuing research in the rich collections of the Vatican Library and Archives, and it is the aim of this anthology to present a selection of their results and current projects. Ab Aquilone contains fourteen contributions in the fields of archaeology, philology, history, church history, gender studies, library science and archival studies, ranging from the Middle Ages to modern times. The majority of the authors are active at institutions of learning in the Nordic countries, and they are joined by two European contributors with a…

Suecoromana 05: Cristina di Svezia e Roma (1999)

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Cristina di Svezia e Roma. Atti del Simposio tenuto all’Istituto Svedese de Studi Classici a Roma, 5–6 ottobre 1995 Edited by Börje Magnusson Abstract Politics and culture in the age of Christina of Sweden (1626–1689) formed the subject of a conference in Stockholm in May 1995 (the acta published in Suecoromana, vol. 4). A second conference in Rome in September 1995 focused on the queen in her Roman ambience (1655–1689). One section of the present volume deals with her as patron of the arts, as well as collector, her interest here ranging from antiques to manuscripts. Several studies regard her role on the literary scene; a multitude of genres is presented, ranging from chronicle and panegyrics to musical drama. Although the majority of studies deal with literature and art, literature and science are also presented. Contents Premessa Kari Elisabeth Børresen | La religion de Christine de Suède M. Teresa Acquaro Graziois | Cristina di Svezia fra letteratura e cronaca Anna Vergelli | Cristina in panegirico, ovvero il Christinas Börje Magnusson | Drawing on Rome. Nicodemus Tessin, Christina and the creation of a royal ambience Concetta Ranieri…

Suecoromana 03: Phelloplastica (1998)
Suecoromana / 1998-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Phelloplastica. Modelli in sughero dell’architettura antica nel XVIII secolo nella collezione di Gustavo III di Svezia By Valentin Kockel, with a contribution by Magnus Olausson Abstract This volume treats the art of making cork models of ancient architecture in the work of Giovanni Altieri, one of the best-known modellers of the 18th century. It was from him that the Swedish king Gustavus III bought all his models. A popular method of reproducing the ruins of Rome three-dimensionally, and of introducing them into central and northern Europe, was cork models. These may be compared to plaster casts or small-scale copies of ancient sculpture. Because of its porosity, cork proved optically ideal for the portrayal of ancient ruins, and it could also be easily transported, as it was so light. The craftsmanship follows the tradition of the Nativity artisans of Naples. Travellers to Italy valued the cork models as representations of widely admired Roman architecture and could also transfer to them their fascination for the ruins, which were seen as symbols of transience. Nos. 1–5 of the catalogue depict buildings from Rome and Tivoli that also constituted the…

Suecoromana 04: Politics and culture in the age of Christina (1997)

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Politics and culture in the age of Christina. Acta from a Conference held at the Wenner-Gren Center in Stockholm, May 4–6 , 1995 Edited by Marie-Louise Rodén Abstract Christina of Sweden (1626–1689) has been the object of both scholarly and popular interest in the three centuries that have passed since her death. This attention is related to the breadth of her influence on 17-th century European civilization. Thus, politics and culture in the age of Christina was the subject of a conference held in Stockholm in May 1995 and sponsored by the Wenner-Gren Center Foundation. The first section of the volume treats the relationship of politics and the arts in the age of absolutism as well as Christina’s political environment in Sweden and, from 1655, in Italy. Christina’s unfinished Autobiography is reexamined on the basis of previously unstudied manuscript variants and her religious profile is discussed. A second section treats Christina’s relationship to the arts. Christina’s role in Roman ceremonies and processions is examined. Contents Marie-Louise Rodén | Foreword Theodore K. Rabb | Politics and the arts in the age of Christina Jan Glete | Absolutism…

Suecoromana 02: Nicola Pio (1995)
Suecoromana / 1995-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Nicola Pio as a collector of drawings By Per Bjurström Abstract Nicola Pio, who was born c. 1677 and can be traced until 1733, was a connoisseur and collector living in Rome. His primary interest was in prints and he formed a collection, the main part of which is still preserved in the Gabinetto Nazionale delle Stampe at Farnesina in Rome. His interest then turned to drawings and he wrote a work on 225 painters, sculptors and architects (1724), to which he added portraits of all the artists treated, as well as a collection of drawings by them. One hundred and sixty portraits have survived, most of them in the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm. Another 70 drawings from his collection have been identified. The present book presents an account of Pio’s activity as a collector and a catalogue of known portraits and drawings from his collection. Contents Foreword Literature quoted in abbreviated form Introduction The print collection Vite The portraits The drawings Drawings in the Louvre Catalogue Artists portrayed Concordance Clark-Bjurström Index of artists Bibliographical information Per Bjurström, Nicola Pio as a collector of drawings (Suecoromana. Studia…

Suecoromana 01: Docto Peregrino (1992)
Suecoromana / 1992-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Docto peregrino. Roman studies in honour of Torgil Magnusson Edited by Thomas Hall, Börje Magnusson & Carl Nylander Bibliographical information Thomas Hall, Börje Magnusson & Carl Nylander, eds. 1992. Docto peregrino. Roman studies in honour of Torgil Magnusson (Suecoromana. Studia artis historiae instituti romani regni Sueciae 1), Stockholm. ISBN 978-91-7042-145-7, ISSN 1102-7940. Hard cover: 298 pages.