Labraunda 5. The Andrones (2019)
Labraunda / 2019-10-25

Published by the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul (SRII) and distributed by AB at Also available for purchase at,, and The Labraunda-series is edited by the Editorial Committee of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome. Labraunda 5. The Andrones By Pontus Hellström and Jesper Blid Abstract This is the final publication of the two Hekatomnid Andrones at Labraunda. The older of these (the Andron of Maussollos or Andron B) was built by the satrap Maussollos (377/6–353/2 BC). This is shown by the dedicatory inscription on the architrave. The other andron (Andron A) is clearly later and was probably built by Idrieus (351/0 344/3 BC), the brother and successor of Maussollos as satrap of Karia. This building has the same kind of dedication, but the name of the commissioner is not preserved. These two buildings are unique both for their size, temple-like front, and high degree of preservation and for their Ionic-Doric mixed order, the function as banqueting halls, and the large niche at the back of the inner room. In the publication the architecture of the two buildings is systematically presented together with plans and elevations of the ruins and reconstructions. The walls are…