Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions.
Deliciae fictiles. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Central Italic Architectural Terracottas at the Swedish Institute in Rome, 10–12 December 1990
Edited by Eva Rystedt, Charlotte Wikander & Örjan Wikander
Thirty-three papers on architectural terracottas read at an international conference in Rome. The papers include contributions on Greek material, but the main emphasis is placed on Central Italic roofs (from Northern Etruria to Campania) from the Archaic period. Several papers present hitherto unpublished material, either recently excavated or from earlier, unpublished, excavations and collections.
Eva Rystedt, ‘Preface’, p. 7
Arvid Andrén, ‘L’avviamento’, p. 9
‘General list of abbreviations’, pp. 11–16
Nancy A. Winter, ‘The Greek background for Archaic architectural terracottas of Central Italy’, pp. 17–20
John F. Kenfield, ‘A modelled terracotta frieze from Archaic Morgantina: its East Greek and Central Italian affinities’, pp. 21–28
Concetta Ciurcina, ‘Rapporti tra le terrecotte architettoniche della Sicilia orientale e quelle dell’Italia centrale’, pp. 29–38
Elena Epifanio Vanni, ‘Antefisse di tipo campano a Himera’, pp. 39–43
Maria Bonghi Jovino, ‘La decorazione architettonica di Capua: peculiarità, itinerarii e modelli’, pp. 45–54
Ninina Cuomo di Caprio & Matilde Romito, ‘Fratti di Salerno: antefissa e sima fittile del IV sec. a.C. Analisi mineralogico-petrografiche e considerazioni archeologiche’, pp. 55–60
Riemer R. Knoop, ‘Towards a reappraisal of Della Seta’s Three-Phase system’, pp. 61–65
Örjan Wikander, ‘Terracotta modules, Oscan feet and tile standards’, pp. 67–70
Helle Damgaard Andersen, ‘Archaic architectural terracottas and their relation to building identification’, pp. 71–86
Charlotte Wikander, ‘The decorative system of the Archaic sima’, pp. 87–91
Peter Danner, ‘Die Dekoration auf First und Giebelschrägen in der archaischen Baukunst Mittelitaliens’, pp. 93–107
Volker Kästner, ‘Architektonische Terrakotten aus der Sammlung der Herzogin von Sermoneta in der Berliner Antikensammlung’, pp. 109–116
Ingrid Edlund-Berry, ‘The Murlo cowboy: problems of reconstruction and interpretation’, pp. 117–121
Françoise-Hélène Pairault-Massa, ‘La sima oblique di Poggio Civitate (Murlo): problèmes techniques et interprétation historique’, pp. 123–134
Annette Rathje, ‘Il fregio di Murlo: status sulle considerazioni’, pp. 135–138
Margit von Mehren, ‘The Murlo frieze plaques: considerations on their distribution and number’, pp. 139–145
Giovanni Colonna, ‘Brandelli di una gigantomachia tardo-arcaica da un temio etrusco’, pp. 147–152
Simonetta Stopponi, ‘Terrecotte architettoniche da Orvieto: alcune novità’, pp. 153–162
Anna-Maria Sgubini Moretti & Laura Ricciardi, ‘Le terrecotte architettoniche di Tuscania’, pp. 163–181
Françoise Gaultier, ‘Terrecotte architettoniche archaiche da Tuscania: le collezioni del Louvre e gli scavi recenti nella necropoli dell’Ara del Tufo’, pp. 183–191
Margareta Strandberg Olofsson, ‘Variation in mould-made reliefs. The case of the large “Tuscania” motifs in the light of some fragments from Acquarossa’, pp. 193–200
Silvia Ciaghi, ‘Appunti sulle terrecotte architettoniche dalla Civita di Tarquinia’, pp. 201–206
Maria Cataldi, ‘Terrecotte arcaiche e tardo-archaiche da Tarquinia’, pp. 207–220
Mauro Cristofani, ‘Su alcuni rivestimenti fittili alto-arcaici da Cerveteri’, pp. 221–223
Anna Mura Sommella, ‘Ancora sulla decorazione plastica del tempio arcaico del Foro Boario: statue e acroteri’, pp. 225–232
Susan Downey, ‘Archaic architectural terracottas from the Regia’, pp. 233–247
Eva Rystedt, ‘Panther followed by lion: on the reconstruction of the Regia plaques’, pp. 249–253
Francesca Romana Fortunati, ‘Il tempio delle Stimmate di Velletri: il rivestimento arcaico e considerazioni sul sistema decorativo’, pp. 255–265
Christer Bruun, ‘Herakles and the tyrants: an Archaic frieze from Velletri’, pp. 267–275
Patricia S. Lulof, ‘Reconstruction and architectural setting of large terracotta statues in late Archaic Central Italy: the case of Satricum’, pp. 277–286
Arnold J. Beijer, ‘Una lastra architettonica figurata di terracotta dall’abitato arcaico a Borgo Le Ferriere (‘Satricum’)’, pp. 287–289
Jelle W. Bouma, ‘Architectural terracottas unearthed in a votive deposit in Borgo Le Ferriere (‘Satricum’), 6th–3rd centuries B.C.’, pp. 291–297
Maria Josè Strazzulla, ‘L’ultima fase decorativa dei santuari etrusco-italici: le lastre “Campana”’, pp. 299–306
‘The published writings of Arvid Andrén. A bibliography’, pp. 307–310
Charlotte Wikander & Örjan Wikander, ‘Index of architectural terracottas’, pp. 311–316
Bibliographical information
Eva Rystedt, Charlotte Wikander & Örjan Wikander, eds., ‘Deliciae fictiles. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Central Italic Architectural Terracottas at the Swedish Institute in Rome, 10–12 December 1990 (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom, 4°, 50), Stockholm 1993. ISSN: 0081-993X. ISBN: 978-91-7042-143-3. Softcover: 316 pages + 2 plates.
The Journal of Roman Studies 85, 1995, 286–287 (Christopher Smith)
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