Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions.
Corolla Archaeologica Principi Hereditario Regni Sueciae Gustavo Adolpho dedicata
O.A. Danielsson | Annius von Viterbo über die Gründungsgeschichte Roms (pp. 1–16)
B. Wijkström | Welche sind die Tempel auf der Piazza Argentina? (pp. 17–30)
Bengt Wall | Porticus Minucia (pp. 31–54)
Erik Wistrand | Ante atria (pp. 55–63)
Gösta Säflund | Porta Mugonia und Sacra Via (pp. 64–71)
Åke Åkerström | Lacus Curtius und seine Sagen (pp. 72–83)
Axel Boethius | The neronian “Nova Urbs”. Notes on Tacitus’ Annales, XV, 38 et. Seq., and Suetonius’ Biography of Nero, chapters 16 and 38 (pp. 84–97)
Arvid Andrén | Terracotte di Ardea (pp. 98–117)
Lars Fagerlind | The transformations of the Corinthian capital in Rome and Pompeii during the later Republican period. Together with a criticism of Tenney Frank’s History of the building of the Temple of Magna Mater (pp. 118–131)
Martin P. Nilsson | The origins of the triumphal arch (pp. 132–139)
Tönnes Kleberg | Deux noms de consuls romains (pp. 140–144)
Einar Gjerstad | The palace at Vouni. A study in architectural history (pp. 145–171)
Alfred Westholm | Sculptures from the temple-site at Soli-Holades (pp. 172–188)
Erik Sjöqvist | Some Cypriot Iron Age tombs (pp. 189–207)
Axel W. Persson | Die spätmykenische Inschrift aus Asine (pp. 208–215)
Natan Valmin | Tholos tombs and tumuli. Some remarks on the question of the Homeric tomb form (pp. 216–227)
Krister Hanell | Zur entwickelungsgeschichte des griechischen Tempelhofes (pp. 228–237)
Lennart Kjellberg | Das Äolische Kapitell von Larisa (pp. 238–245)
Heribert Seitz | The youth from Subiaco. A study on a subject-problem in Hellenistic sculpture (pp. 246–269)
E. Wikén | Zur Topographie des Faijûm. Kerkē (pp. 270–276)
Bibliographical information
Corolla Archaeologica. Principi Hereditario Regni Sueciae Gustavo Adolpho dedicata (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom 4°, 2), Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup 1932.
Antiquity 7:28, 499–501 (I.A. Richmond)
CP 29:3, 272–273 (B.L. Ullman)
JHS 53:1, 131–131
JRS 23:2, 246–249 (I.A. Richmond)
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