Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by AB.
Mycenaeans up to date. The archaeology of the northeastern Peloponnese—current concepts and new directions
By Ann-Louise Schallin & Iphiyenia Tournavitou, eds
This volume contains the proceedings of the conference Mycenaeans up to date: The archaeology of the north-eastern Peloponnese—current concepts and new directions, which was held 10–16 November 2010, under the auspices of the Swedish Institute at Athens. The published papers reveal the latest news in the field of Mycenaean archaeology in the Argolid and the surrounding areas. Ongoing fieldwork, as well as new interpretations of the extant archaeological material is presented and discussed in detail.
The first part of the volume consists of papers dealing with new, unpublished evidence regarding many of the well-known Argive sites, including Mycenae, Tiryns, Argos, Midea, and the Nemea Valley, among others. The second part is devoted to in-depth studies on a number of major themes, such as Mycenaean architecture, administration, mortuary practices and religion.
Ann-Louise Schallin & Iphiyenia Tournavitou | Introduction
The Argolid
Elizabeth French | Tending the past, ensuring the future
Kim Shelton | Pottery and Petsas House: Recent research on LH IIIA2 Mycenae
Iphiyenia Tournavitou | The East House in the Lower Town of Mycenae: The past, the present, and the future
Heleni Palaiologou | The Mycenaean building at Chania of Mycenae
Eleftheria Kardamaki | Conclusions from the new deposit at the Western Staircase terrace at Tiryns
Joseph Maran, Alkestis Papadimitriou & Ulrich Thaler | Palatial wall paintings from Tiryns: New finds and new perspectives
Ursula Damm-Meinhardt | Building Complex A in the Lower Citadel of Tiryns: An outstanding mansion of the Palatial period
Tobias Mühlenbruch | Power and cult in LH IIIC Tiryns
Lorenz Rahmstorf | Workshop activities and pyrotechnology at Mycenaean Tiryns
Ann Brysbaert | Multiple chaînes opératoires and cross-craft interaction: A holistic approach to workshop studies at Palatial and Post-Palatial Tiryns
Nikolas Papadimitriou, Anna Philippa-Touchais & Gilles Touchais | Argos in the MBA and the LBA: A reassessment of the evidence
Katie Demakopoulou | The Mycenaean Acropolis of Midea: New discoveries and new interpretations
Ann-Louise Schallin | Mycenaean figures and figurines from the Potter’s Workshop at Mastos in the Berbati Valley
James C. Wright | The nature of Mycenaean occupation of the watersheds that comprise the Longopotamos, Nemea, and Asopos Valleys
Vasco Hachtmann | The Basin of Phlious in Mycenaean times
Konstantina Kaza-Papageorgiou | Agia Eirini Phliassias
Christos Piteros | Mycenaean Nauplion
Olga Psychoyos & Yannis Karatzikos | Mycenaean cult on Mount Arachnaion in the Argolid
The Argolid. An overview
Joseph Maran | Tiryns and the Argolid in Mycenaean times: New clues and interpretations
Neighbours and friends
Ioulia Tzonou-Herbst | “ΑΦΝΕΙΟΣ ΚΟΡΙΝΘΟΣ”: Mycenaean reality or Homeric fiction?
Lena Papazoglou-Manioudaki | The Early Mycenaean settlement at Aigion in Achaea and the western frontier of the north-east Peloponnese
Naya Sgouritsa | The Mycenaean settlement at Lazarides on eastern Aegina: Relationships with the north-eastern Peloponnese
Secular architecture and palatial administration
Ulrich Thaler | Movement in between, into and inside Mycenaean palatial Megara
Małgorzata Siennicka | Courts and open spaces in the Late Helladic III Argolid
Daniel J. Pullen | How to build a Mycenaean town: The architecture of Kalamianos
Thomas F. Tartaron | Late Bronze Age architecture and regional dynamics at Korphos in the Corinthia
Burial customs and rituals
Eleni Konstantinidi-Syvridi & Constantinos Paschalidis | Life and death at Mycenae at the end of the Prepalatial period. The case of the chamber tomb south of Grave Circle B. With contributions by Argyro Nafplioti and Ann Brysbaert
Michael J. Boyd | Explaining the mortuary sequence at Mycenae
Anna Philippa-Touchais & Nikolas Papadimitriou | Deiras, Argos: The Mycenaean cemetery revisited in the light of unpublished finds from W. Vollgraff’s excavations
Evangelia Pappi & Valasia Isaakidou | On the significance of equids in the Late Bronze Age Aegean: New and old finds from the cemetery of Dendra in context
Eleni Konsolaki-Yannopoulou | Structural analysis of the tholos tombs at Megali Magoula, Galatas (Troezenia)
Panagiota Kassimi | The Mycenaean cemeteries of north-eastern Corinthia and the early tholos tomb at Ancient Corinth
Carole Gillis | A colorful death. A study of the social life of colors in Late Bronze Age grave goods
Mycenaean pottery
Penelope A. Mountjoy | The north-east Peloponnese and the Near East: Ceramic evidence for contacts in LH III
Written evidence
Pascal Darque & Françoise Rougemont | Palaces and “palaces”: Mycenaean texts and contexts in the Argolid and neighbouring regions
Mycenaean religion
K.A. Wardle | Reshaping the past: Where was the “Cult Centre” at Mycenae?
Vassiliki Pliatsika | Tales of the Unexpected: Identifying cult practice in the House M Quarter of the Mycenae Citadel
Helène Whittaker | Mycenaean religion in the 21st century
Ann-Louise Schallin & Iphiyenia Tournavitou | Conclusions
Bibliographical information
Ann-Louise Schallin & Iphiyenia Tournavitou, eds, Mycenaeans up to date. The archaeology of the northeastern Peloponnese—current concepts and new directions (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 4°, 56), Stockholm 2015. ISSN 0586-0539. ISBN 978-91-7916-063-0. Hardcover: 630 pages.
American Journal of Archaeology 123:2, 2019 (L.A. Kvapil)
Archeologia Classica 68:2, 2017, 369-373 (L. Girella)
Revue Archéologique 2017:2, 369-373 (M. Pomadère)
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