Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions.
Agriculture in ancient Greece. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 16–17 May 1990
Edited by Berit Wells
These fourteen papers on ancient Greek agriculture were read, or emanated from the discussions during, an international conference in Athens; the papers are followed by transcripts of the discussions of the symposium. Two main themes are addressed: (1) production—how do we recognize a farm and what could be, and what was, produced on it? (2) and the organization of agriculture—who owned the land, who worked it and how, and how much did it yield?
Jens Erik Skydsgaard | Agriculture in ancient Greece. On the nature of the sources and the problems of their interpretation (pp. 9–12)
Eberhard Zangger | Prehistoric and historic soils in Greece: Assessing the natural resources for agriculture (pp. 13–18)
Robin Osborne | ‘Is it a farm?’ The definition of agricultural sites and settlements in ancient Greece (pp. 21–25)
Hans Lohmann | Agriculture and country life in Classical Attica (pp. 29–57)
Discussion after first section on production
Anaya Sarpaki | The Paleoethnobotanical approach. The Mediterranean triad or is it a quartet? (pp. 61–75)
Marie-Claire Amouretti | Oléiculture et viticulture dans la Grèce antique (pp. 77–86)
Hamish Forbes | The ethnoarchaeological approach to ancient Greek agriculture (pp. 87–101)
Discussion after second section on production
Paul Halstead | Agriculture in the Bronze Age. Towards a model of palatial economy (pp. 105–116)
Signe Isager | Sacred and profane ownership of land (pp. 119–122)
Oliver Rackham & Jennifer A. Moody | Terraces (pp. 123–130)
Discussion after first session on the organization of agriculture
Michael H. Jameson | Agricultural labor in ancient Greece (pp. 135–146)
Peter Garnsey | Yield of the land (pp. 147–153)
Lin Foxhall | The control of the Attic landscape (pp. 155–159)
Victor D. Hanson | Practical aspects of grape-growing and the ideology of Greek viticulture (pp. 161–166)
Final discussion
Program and participants of the symposium
Bibliographical information
Berit Wells, ed., Agriculture in ancient Greece. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 16–17 May 1990 (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 4°, 42), Stockholm 1992. ISSN 0586-0539. ISBN 978-91-7916-024-1. Soft cover: 178 pages.
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