ActaRom-4°, 56: From huts to houses (2001)

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. From huts to houses. Transformations of ancient societies. Proceedings of an international seminar organized by the Norwegian and Swedish Institutes in Rome, 21–24 September 1997 J. Rasmus Brandt & Lars Karlsson, eds Abstract The present volume contains 43 of the 43 announced papers and 11 posters presented at an international conference in Rome in 1997. In a cross-cultural context, the papers examine various aspects of transformation processes connected with architectural changes, covering themes such as building types and development, building function, building technology, and finance and organization. Within this framework, the investigations span a long era, extending from the Mesolithic period to modern times, including experimental reconstructions of ancient dwellings. From the geographical and cultural point of view the contributions cover the Middle East and Europe from the Arabian deserts to the Arctic Ocean, though with a slight emphasis on central Italy in the Iron Age. The last article is a translation from Swedish to English of a study on shepherd huts in the Roman campagna made by S. Erixon in 1932, an article often quoted in studies on primitive architecture, but not easily accessible to…

Opuscula Romana 24 (1999)
Opuscula Romana / 1999-12-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Opuscula Romana. Annual of the Swedish Institute in Rome 24, 1999 Contents Gabriella Barbieri  | Materiali etrusco-romani da Viterbo. Corredi funerary inediti dalla località San Nicolao Giovanni Colonna & Yvonne Backe Forsberg | Le iscrizioni del ‘sacello’ del ponte di San Giovenale / Etruscan inscriptions and graffiti from the bridge at San Giovenale Francesco Galluccio | Volterra etrusca alla luce delle nuove scoperte Lars Karlsson | Excavations at San Giovenale in 1999. Fortifications on the Borgo Peter Liljenstolpe | Superimposed orders. The Use of architectural orders in multi-storeyed structures of the Roman Imperial era Ida Östenberg | Demonstrating the conquest of the world. The procession of peoples and rivers on the shield of Aeneas and the triple triumph of Octavian in 29 B.C. (Aen. 8.722–728) Bengt E. Thomasson | Laterculi praesidum. Addendorum series tertia Books received Bibliographical information Opuscula Romana. Annual of the Swedish Institute in Rome (OpRom) 24, Stockholm 1999. ISSN: 0471-7309. ISBN: 978-91-7042-162-4. Softcover, 174 pages.

Opuscula Romana 21 (1996)
Opuscula Romana / 1996-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Opuscula Romana. Annual of the Swedish Institute in Rome 21, 1996 Contents Gabriella Barbieri, Le necropolis etrusco-romane di Poggio Giudio e Casale Merlani presso Viterbo (pp. 7–51) Peter Danner, Bikonische Gefässe aus Chiusi (pp. 53–56) Barbro Santillo Frizell, Per Itinera Callium. Report on a pilot project (pp. 57–81) Lars Karlsson, The altar of Hieron at Syracuse. A discussion of its function (pp. 83–87) Allan Klynne & Peter Liljenstolpe, The Villa of Livia at Prima Porta. A report on the excavation of room 45 (pp. 89–100) Peter Liljenstolpe, An Ionic capital from the Villa of Livia at Prima Porta (pp. 101–105) Margareta Strandberg Olofsson, Celebration or death? Aspects of a new amphora from the Micali Painter’s workshop and the iconography of Etruscan black-figured vases (pp. 107–118) Örjan Wikander, Senators and equites VII. Matrilinear relationships and cognate nomenclature in the Roman Republic (pp. 119–124) Book reviews Allan Klynne, review of T.J. Cornell, The beginnings of Rome. Italy and Rome from the Bronze Age to the Punic Wars (c. 1000–264 BC) (pp. 125–129) Örjan Wikander, review of S.B. Downey, Architectural terracottas from the Regia (pp. 129–131) Örjan Wikander, review…

ActaRom-4°, 52: Opuscula Romana 20 (1996)
ActaRom-4° , Opuscula Romana / 1996-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Pär Göran Gierow dedicata Opuscula Romana. Annual of the Swedish Institute in Rome 20, 1996 Contents Kristina Berggren, Tre tombe a cremazione con trace di legno nella necropolis di Quattro Fontanili a Veio (Roma) Ingrid E.M. Edlund-Berry, The power of cults and sacred spaces. The interpretation romana of sanctuaries in southern Italy and Sicily Maria C. Eriksson, Two Etruscan mirrors in the Thorwaldsen Museum, Copenhagen Björn Forsén & Timo Sironen, Bolli laterizi romani nell’Antikmuseet in Göteborg Lena Landgren, The Roman pleasure garden—foundations for future studies Peter Liljenstolpe, De ornamentis templi Urbis. Reconstructing the main order of the temple of Venus and Roma in Rome Alessandro Naso, Osservazioni sull’origine dei tumuli monumentali nell’Italia centrale David Ridgway, Greek letters at Osteria dell’Osa Paavo Roos, Strabo and the water-mill at Cabeira. Some considerations Raffaele Santillo, Il «saxum ingentem» a Ravenna a copertura del Mausoleo di Teoderico: problemi e soluzioni Martin Söderlind, A central Italic, terracotta votive head in the Classical Museum of Antiquities in Lund (in association with Pierluigi Bianchetti, technical analysis) Margareta Strandberg Olofsson, Pottery from the monumental area at Acquarossa: a preliminary report Bengt E. Thomasson, Laterculi praesidium….

ActaAth-4°, 43: Opuscula Atheniensia 20 (1994)

Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Opuscula Atheniensia. Annual of the Swedish Institute at Athens 20, 1994 Contents Articles Diane L. Bolger, ‘Engendering Cypriot archaeology: female roles and statuses before the Bronze Age’ Katie Demakopoulou, Nicolletta Divari-Valakou & Gisela Walberg, ‘Excavations and restoration work in Midea 1990–1992’ Björn Forsén, ‘Marmorne Gewichtsteine aus Thera’ David Frankel & Jennifer M. Webb, ‘Hobs and hearths in Bronze Age Cyprus’ Carole Gillis, ‘Binding evidence. Tin foil and organic binder on Aegean Late Bronze Age pottery’ Vassos Karageorghis, ‘Monkeys and bears in Cypriot art’ Jane F. Lloyd, ‘A clay triton shell in a private collection in New York’ Erik Østby, Jean-Marc Luce, Gullög C. Nordquist, Chiara Tarditi & Mary E. Voyatzis, ‘The sanctuary of Athena Elea at Tegea: first preliminary report (1990–1992)’ Jari Pakkanen, ‘Accuracy and proportional rules in Greek Doric temples’ Edgar Peltenburg, ‘Constructing authority: the Vounos enclosure model’ Claus Reinholdt, ‘”ΝΟΣΤΟΣ ΌΔΥΣΣΗΙ” oder Vita Humana? Zu einem Vasenbild des Schweinemalers in Cambridge’ Paavo Roos, ‘In search of ancient stadia and hippodromes in Anatolia’ Ilse Schoep, ‘”Home sweet home”. Some comments on the so-called house models from the prehellenic Aegean’ Eva Toivonen Skage, ‘Supplementary sherds from Ayos Jakovos Tomb…

ActaAth-4°, 41: Opuscula Atheniensia 19 (1992)

Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Opuscula Atheniensia. Annual of the Swedish Institute at Athens 19, 1992 Contents Carl Nylander, ‘Sture Brunnsåker, 1925–1978’ (p. 9) Paul Åström, Katie Demakopoulou, Nicoletta Divari-Valakou & Peter M. Fischer, ‘Excavations in Midea, 1989–1990’ (pp. 11–22) Gisela Walberg, ‘Excavations on the Lower Terraces at Midea’ (pp. 23–39) Birgitta Bergquist, ‘A particular, Western Greek cult practice? The significance of stele-crowned, sacrificial deposits’ (pp. 41–47) Mary Blomberg, ‘The meaning of Χελιδών in Hesiod’ (pp. 49–57) Robin Hägg & Gullög C. Nordquist, ‘Excavations in the Levendis sector at Asine, 1989. A preliminary report with an appendix on the animal bones by Katrin Moberg’ (pp. 59–68) Tullia Linders, ‘The Delian temple accounts: some observations’ (pp. 69–73) Alexandros Mazarakis Ainian, ‘Nichoria in the south-western Peloponnese: Units VI-1 and IV-5 reconsidered’ (pp. 75–84) Erik Østby, ‘Der dorische Tempel von Pherai’ (pp. 85–113) Paul Rehak, ‘Minoan vessels with figure-eight shields: antecedents to the Knossos throneroom alabastra’ (pp. 115–124) Eva Rystedt, ‘Notes on the rattle scenes on Attic Geometric pottery’ (pp. 125–133) Berit Wells, ‘The walls of Asine’ (pp. 135–142) Charlotte Wikander, ‘Pomp and circumstance. The procession of Ptolemaios II’ (pp. 143–150) Örjan Wikander, ‘Archaic roof-tiles: the first…

ActaRom-4°, 49: Fortification towers and masonry techniques (1992)
ActaRom-4° / 1992-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Fortification towers and masonry techniques in the hegemony of Syracuse, 405–211 B.C. By Lars Karlsson Abstract Syracuse assumed the leadership of the Greek cities after the Carthaginian wars of 409–405 B.C. and the first chapter discusses the four main periods which can be discerned in the archaeological material: (1) the rule of Dionysios I, 405–367 B.C., (2) the period of Timoleon, 244–c. 316 B.C., (3) Agathokles, 316–289 B.C., and (4) the rule of King Hieron II, 270/69–215 B.C. Pyrrhos, as king of Syracuse in 278–276 B.C., was also responsible for work on Sicilian fortifications. Towers with internal crosswalls are treated in Chapter Two and they appear in two types. The first group consists of seven towers with internal walls in the shape of a T (the ‘Epipolai Towers’). The towers are large and square, measuring 10–12 m. (around 30–35 Doric ft.) on a side. The second group of towers with interior walls in the shape of a Greek cross, is common in Sicily. Twelve square examples are known (plus two circular and two semicircular). The square towers frequently measure 6.60 m. (20 Doric ft.) on a…

ActaRom-4°, 46: Opuscula Romana 17 (1989)
ActaRom-4° , Opuscula Romana / 1989-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Opuscula Romana. Annual of the Swedish Institute in Rome 17, 1989 Contents Johnny Bengtsson, ‘Survey in Italy, “La Farnesina project”’, pp. 7–8 Mats Cullhed, ‘Maxentius as princeps‘, pp. 9–19 Ingrid Edlund-Berry, ‘Four terracotta heads from Poggio Civitate (Murlo). Towards a definition of the ‘Murlo style’’, pp. 21–32 Gloria Ferrari, ‘Felicior Augusto—portrait medallions in glass and the Ravenna relief’, pp. 33–60 Erik Holmberg, ‘Who made the vases of the Red-Line Painter and relations?’, pp. 61–76 Lars Karlsson, ‘Some notes on the fortifications of Greek Sicily’, pp. 77–89 Giordano Labud, ‘Il territorio del sito archeologico di San Simone d’Isola’, pp. 91–95 Kyle M. Phillips, Jr. (†), ‘Notes from Berlin on a bronze owl’, pp. 97–122 Stefania Quilici Gigli, ‘Paesaggi storici dell’agro falisco: i prata di Corchiano’, pp. 123–134 Pontus Reimers, ‘“Opus omnium dictum maximum”. Literary sources for the knowledge of Roman city drainage’, pp. 137–141 Barbro Santillo Frizell, ‘The autonomous development of dry masonry domes in the Mediterranean area. Some considerations’, pp. 143–161 Margareta Strandberg Olofsson, ‘On the reconstruction of the monumental area at Acquarossa’, pp. 163–183 Örjan Wikander, ‘Asonius’ saw-mills—once more’, pp. 185–190 Örjan Wikander, ‘Roman and…

ActaRom-4°, 26: San Giovenale (1967– )
ActaRom-4° , Open Access / 1967-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions and AB. San Giovenale. Results of excavations conducted by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies at Rome and the Soprintendenza alle Antichità dell’Etruria Meridionale Vol. 1. Topographical introduction and history of excavations, photogrammatic methods and survey. Tombs Fasc. 1. Bengt E. Thomasson 1972. General introduction, Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7042-007-8 (softcover: 12 pp.) Fasc. 2­–3. Bertil Hallert 1967. Basics principles of photogrammetric methods used for measurements of San Giovenale & Bertil Hallert, Aerial photogrammetric survey of the San Giovenale area, Lund (softcover: 12 pp.) Fasc. 4. Carl Eric Östenberg 1972. The tombs: introduction, Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7042-008-5 (softcover: 16 pp.) Fasc. 5. Eric Berggren & Kristina Berggren 1972. The necropoleis of Porzarago, Grotte Tufarina and Montevangone. With drawings by Börje Blomé. With appendices by N.-G. Gejvall and Ruta Suksis-Jansson and with an addendum by Olof Vessberg, Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7042-000-9 (softcover: 134 pp., 63 pls.) Fasc. 6. Carl Erik Östenberg & Olof Vessberg 1972. The necropolis at La Staffa, Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7042-009-2 (softcover: 24 pp.) Fasc. 7. Carl Erik Östenberg 1969. The necropolis at Castellina Camerata, Lund (softcover: 29 pp.) Fasc. 8. Pär Göran Gierow 1969. The tombs of…