ActaAth-4°, 34: Opuscula Atheniensia 16 (1986)

Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Opuscula Atheniensia. Annual of the Swedish Institute at Athens 16, 1986 Edited by Brita Alroth Contents Paul Åström, ‘Hala Sultan Tekke—An international harbour town of the Late Cypriot Bronze Age’, pp. 7–17. Paul Åström & Katie Demakopoulou, ‘New excavations in the Citadel of Midea, 1983–1984’, pp. 19–25. Paul Åström, R. Maddin, J.D. Muhly & T. Stech, ‘Iron artifacts from Swedish excavations in Cyprus’, pp. 27–41. Kevin Clinton, ‘The author of the Homeric Hymn to Demeter’, pp. 43–49. Harold D. Evjen, ‘Competitive athletics in ancient Greece: the search for origins and influences’, pp. 51–56. Nanno Marinatos & Robin Hägg, ‘On the ceremonial function of the Minoan polythyron’, pp. 57–73. Erik Østby, ‘The archaic temple of Athena Alea at Tegea’, pp. 75–102. Eva Rystedt, ‘The foot-race and other athletic contests in the Mycenaean world. The evidence of the pictorial vases’, pp. 103–116. Charlotte Scheffer, ‘Some further comments on the gorgoneion skyphoi’, pp. 117–122. Miscellanea Yvonne Backe-Forsberg & Christina Risberg, ‘Metal working at Asine. ‘New’ finds from the 1926 season’, pp. 123–125. Robert B. Koehl, ‘Another look at the Mycenaean Base Ring vase from the Athenian Agora’, pp. 125–126. David Symons, ‘An…