OpAthRom-16-08: New Greek inscriptions from Akmoneia and its territory
Article , Content / 2023-11-06

Opuscula is published by the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome, with the aid of a grant from the Swedish Research Council. Distributed by Eddy.se AB. View journal at ERIH PLUS. All content available with open access. New Greek inscriptions from Akmoneia and its territory By Hüseyin Uzunoğlu & N. Eda Akyürek Şahin Abstract This paper publishes nine new inscriptions copied during the archaeo­logical surveys conducted in the Phrygian city of Akmoneia and in its territory between 2014 and 2017. Even though there have been no systematic excavations to date, the city is remarkable due to its rich epigraphic documentation. The new finds make a notable contribution to this. Of the nine inscriptions published here, one (No. 1) concerns the erection of the statues of Koros, the goddesses, as well as of the sacred council, by a certain Hierokles, the priest and the agonothete of the Great Asklepieia. In another inscription (No. 2), a woman called Flavia Hedeia, the daughter of Flavius Montanus of consular rank and the wife of Sallius Aristainetos of consular rank, is honoured by her foster-parents. We attempt to identify Flavius Montanus through some related inscriptions already published from the city and thereby propose a dating in the…

OpAthRom-13-06: Religion and family politics in Hellenistic Kalaureia
Article , Content / 2020-11-02

Opuscula is published by the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome, with the aid of a grant from the Swedish Research Council. Distributed by Eddy.se AB. View journal at ERIH PLUS. All content available with open access. Religion and family politics in Hellenistic Kalaureia. Three new inscriptions from the sanctuary of Poseidon By Nikolaos Papazarkadas (University of California, Berkeley, USA) & Jenny Wallensten (Swedish Institute at Athens, Greece) Abstract This article presents three unpublished Hellenistic inscriptions from the sanctuary of Poseidon in Kalaureia (modern Poros): two found during archaeological excavations on the site and one recorded in a letter that was once part of Ioannis Kapodistrias’ official correspondence. All three inscriptions were dedicatory and carved on bases supporting portrait statues. Interestingly, they were offered to Poseidon by members of a single family already known from other documents in the Kalaureian epigraphic corpus. Remarkably, eight out of the 18 inscriptions discovered in Kalaureia make repeated references to men and women of this very family, which appears to have materially dominated Poseidon’s temenos and its environs during the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC through the careful placement of portraits of its members. Most of these statues were conspicuously placed by the entrance…

ActaAth-4°, 57: Inscriptions et timbres céramiques de Rhodes (2017)
ActaAth-4° / 2017-10-18

Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Eddy.se AB. Inscriptions et timbres céramiques de Rhodes. Documents recueillis par le médecin et explorateur suédois Johan Hedenborg (1786–1865) By Nathan Badoud Abstract Johan Hedenborg (1786–1865) was a medical doctor whose curiosity gave him a wide interest in natural and social science. In 1825, he was attached to the embassy of Sweden and Norway to the Sublime Porte. After exploring the Aegean and both sides of the Red Sea for fifteen years, he settled in Rhodes with the aim of writing a history of the island. The manuscript, completed in 1857, was never published. It contains copies of 303 inscriptions on stone, 54 of them otherwise unknown, and drawings of more than 150 stamped amphora handles and tiles. All these documents are studied here. Bibliographical information Nathan Badoud, Inscriptions et timbres céramiques de Rhodes. Documents recueillis par le médecin et explorateur suédois Johan Hedenborg (1786-1865) (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Athen, 4°, 57), Stockholm 2017. ISSN 0586-0539. ISBN 978-91-791606-5-4. Hard cover, 145 pages. Reviews Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft 70, 2017, 6-8 (C. Barker) Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2018.08.02 (Lucia Criscuolo) The Classical Review 69:2, 2019, 664–666 (Nicholas K. Rauh) Dialogues…

ActaRom-8˚, 23: The Greek and Latin inscriptions in the Collections of Uppsala University (2013)
ActaRom-8° , Open Access / 2013-03-22

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Eddy.se AB. Sylloge inscriptionum Graecarum et Latinarum Upsaliensis. The Greek and Latin inscriptions in the Collections of Uppsala University Edited by Christer Henriksén Abstract The present book is the first complete edition of the 24 Greek and Latin inscriptions in the Collection of Classical Antiquities and the Victoria Museum of Uppsala University. It contains an introduction that discusses the various types of inscriptions represented in the collections, their probable provenance and their history as part of the Uppsala collections. After the introduction follows the actual edition, which consists of a new reading of text of each inscription, followed (where possible) by an English translation, a summary of its physical and palaeographical features, and a line-by-line commentary. The commentary explains each text with regard to its contents and discusses points of linguistic, phraseologic, and onomastic interest. Inscriptions of particular interest are provided with separate introductions that place them in a wider historical and social context. While the commentary is intended to be useful both to specialists in epigraphy as well as to the general classicist, it also aims at providing such information that may interest the general public. The…