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Opuscula Romana. Annual of the Swedish Institute in Rome 29, 2004
Olof Brandt | Jews and Christians in Late Antique Rome and Ostia: some aspects of archaeological and documentary evidence (pp. 7-27)
Consuelo Cecchini & Caterina Pisu | Due tombe a camera inedite da ‘Poggio delle Ginestre’—Trevignano Romano (RM): informazioni archeologiche e dati topografici (pp. 29-46)
Pamela Hemphill & Gabriella Barbieri | Materiali arcaici dal territorio di Blera (VT): la tomba 69 di Civitella Cesi (pp. 47-55)
Karin Lundkvist | Priests in Livy (pp. 57-71)
Margareta Strandberg Olofsson | White-on-red from Acquarossa: some large decorated vessels and their chronological implications (pp. 73-89)
Book reviews
Ingrid Pohl | W. Regter, Imitation and creation. Development of early bucchero design at Cerveteri in the seventh century BC (p. 91)
Olof Brandt | M. Ghilardi, Subterranea Civitas. Quattro studi sulle catacombe romane dal medioevo all’età moderna (pp. 92-93)
Books received (p. 94)
Bibliographical information
Opuscula Romana. Annual of the Swedish Institute in Rome (OpRom) 29, Stockholm 2005. ISSN: 0471-7309. ISBN: 91-7042-171-4. Softcover, 94 pages.
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