Opuscula 12 (2019)


Front cover of Opuscula. Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome 12, 2019All content available with open access, use links below. Printed edition distributed by Eddy.se AB. Also available at Amazon.com, Adlibris, and Bokus. View volume at ERIH PLUS.


Anne Ingvarsson & Ylva Bäckström | Bioarchaeological field analysis of human remains from the mass graves at Phaleron, Greece. With an introduction by Stella Chryssoulaki and an appendix by Anna Linderholm, Anna Kjellström, Vendela Kempe Lagerholm, & Maja Krzewińska

Arto Penttinen & Dimitra Mylona | Physical environment and daily life in the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia, Poros. The bioarchaeological remains. Introduction

Dimitra Mylona | Animals in the sanctuary. Mammal and fish bones from Areas D and C at the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia. With an appendix by Adam Boethius

Dale Serjeantson | Animals in the sanctuary. Bird bones and eggshell

Petros Lymberakis & Giorgos Iliopoulos | Snakes and other microfaunal remains from the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia

George E. Syrides | Marine and terrestrial molluscs in the sanctuary. The molluscan remains from the 2003–2004 excavations in the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia

Maria Ntinou | Trees and shrubs in the sanctuary. Wood charcoal analysis at the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia, Poros

Anaya Sarpaki | Plants in the sanctuary. Charred seeds from Areas C and D at the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia, Poros

Peter M. Fischer & Teresa Bürge | The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition 2018: Excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke (The Söderberg Expedition). Preliminary results, with contributions by Jacek Tracz & Dominika Kofel

Vassos Karageorghis & Efstathios Raptou | Palaepaphos-Skales Tomb 277. More prestigious burials. With and appendix by Maria A. Socratous

Amihai Mazar & Nota Kourou | Greece and the Levant in the 10th–9th centuries BC. A view from Tel Rehov

Book reviews

Dissertation abstracts 2018–2019

Bibliographical information

Opuscula. Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome (OpAthRom) 12, Stockholm 2019. ISSN: 2000-0898. ISBN: 978-91-977799-1-3. Softcover, 402 pages. https://doi.org/10.30549/opathrom-12

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