Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions / out of print.
List of published volumes
Early Rome 1. Stratigraphical resarches in the Forum Romanum and along the Sacra Via
Early Rome 2. The tombs
Early Rome 3. Fortifications, domestic architecture, sanctuaries, stratigraphic excavations
Early Rome 4:1. Synthesis of archaeological evidence
Early Rome 4:2. Synthesis of archaeological evidence
Early Rome 5. The written sources
Early Rome 6. Historical survey
Early Rome 1. Stratigraphical resarches in the Forum Romanum and along the Sacra Via
By Einar Gjerstad. Out of print.
Preface (excerpt)
This work of which Part 1 is here published has been called EARLY ROME. My intention is to present the entire archaeological and written evidence bearing upon the early history of Rome, from the beginning of the pre-urban epoch to the end of the Regal period, and to present the conclusions drawn from this material. It is planned to publish the work in six parts of which this first part deals with the stratigraphical evidence from the Forum Romanum and the Archaic habitation on top of the pre-urban necropolis at the Sacra Via; in the second part a descriptive survey of the tombs and the burial customs will be given; the third part will contain an account of the fortifications, the temples and cult-places, and a summary of the reports on the recent excavations on the Palatine and in the region between the Arch of Augustus and the Sacra Via; in the fourth part I shall give a general classification and chronological determination of the whole archaeological material: architecture, sculpture, pottery, and other minor arts; in the fifth part the literary sources will be critically studied in sections on the Calendar, Fasti, Curiae, Tribus, Centuriae, Comitia, Kings and Magistrates, Social Classes, Politics, and Religion; in the sixth and concluding part I intend to make a synthesis of the archaeological and literary evidence aiming at a comprehensive survey of the political and cultural history of early Rome.
Bibliographical information
Einar Gjerstad, Early Rome vol. 1. Stratigraphical researches in the Forum Romanum and along the Sacra Via (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Rom-4°, 17:1), Lund 1953.
American Journal of Archaeology 60:1, 1956, 78–79 (Louise Adams Holland)
Antiquity 30:117, 1956, 49–50 (C.A. Ralegh Radford)
The Classical Review 5:2, 1955, 223 (R.M. Cook)
Revue belge de philologie et d’histoire 34:2, 1956, 543–545 (Jacques Heurgon)
Revue des Études Anciennes 57:1–2, 1955, 193–198 (Pierre Grimal)
Early Rome 2. The tombs
By Einar Gjerstad. Out of print.
Bibliographical information
Einar Gjerstad, Early Rome vol. 2. The tombs (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Rom-4°, 17:2), Lund 1956.
Antiquity 32:126, 1958, 139 (John Boardman)
The Classical Review 8:1, 1958, 92 (R.M. Cook)
Journal of Roman Studies 48:1–2, 1958, 208–209 (Inez Scott Ryberg)
Revue des Études Anciennes 60:1–2, 1958, 239–241 (Pierre Grimal)
Early Rome 3. Fortifications, domestic architecture, sanctuaries, stratigraphic excavations
By Einar Gjerstad. Out of print.
Bibliographical information
Einar Gjerstad, Early Rome vol. 3. Fortifications, domestic architecture, sanctuaries, stratigraphic excavations (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Rom-4°, 17:3), Lund 1960.
American Journal of Archaeology 66:4, 1962, 427–430 (Inez Scott Ryberg)
The Classical Review 12:2, 1962, 177 (R.M. Cook)
Journal of Roman Studies 52:1–2, 1962, 262–263 (André Piganiol)
Revue des Études Anciennes 64:1–2, 211–217 (Pierre Grimal)
Early Rome 4:1. Synthesis of archaeological evidence
By Einar Gjerstad. Distributed by Astrom Edition.
Bibliographical information
Einar Gjerstad, Early Rome vol. 4:1. Synthesis of archaeological evidence (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Rom-4°, 17:4:1), Lund 1966.
American Journal of Archaeology 72:3, 1968, 292–293 (Inez Scott Ryberg)
The Classical Review 18:2, 1968, 225–228 (R.M. Ogilvie)
Revue des Études Anciennes 70:3–4, 1968, 512–517 (Pierre Grimal)
Early Rome 4:2. Synthesis of archaeological evidence
By Einar Gjerstad. Distributed by Astrom Edition.
Bibliographical information
Einar Gjerstad, Early Rome vol. 4:2. Synthesis of archaeological evidence (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Rom-4°, 17:4:2), Lund 1966.
American Journal of Archaeology 72:3, 1968, 292–293 (Inez Scott Ryberg)
The Classical Review 18:2, 1968, 225–228 (R.M. Ogilvie)
Revue des Études Anciennes 70:3–4, 1968, 512–517 (Pierre Grimal)
Early Rome 5. The written sources
By Einar Gjerstad. Distributed by Astrom Edition.
Bibliographical information
Einar Gjerstad, Early Rome vol. 5. The written sources (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Rom-4°, 17:5), Lund 1973. ISBN 10: 91-7042-016-5. ISBN 13: 978-91-7042-016-0.
American Journal of Archaeology 79:4, 1975, 386–390 (Robert E.A. Palmer)
Antiquity 52:205, 1978, 162–164 (John Ward-Perkins)
The Classical Review 26:1, 95–96 (R.M. Ogilvie)
Journal of Roman Studies 65, 1975, 195–197 (Jacques Heurgon)
Early Rome 6. Historical survey
By Einar Gjerstad. Distributed by Astrom Edition.
Bibliographical information
Einar Gjerstad, Early Rome vol. 6. Historical survey (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Rom-4°, 17:6), Lund 1973. ISBN 10: 91-7042-041-6. ISBN 13: 978-91-7042-041-2.
American Journal of Archaeology 79:4, 1975, 386–390 (Robert E.A. Palmer)
Antiquity 52:205, 1978, 162–164 (John Ward-Perkins)
The Classical Review 26:1, 95–96 (R.M. Ogilvie)
Journal of Roman Studies 65, 1975, 195–197 (Jacques Heurgon)
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