ActaAth-4°, 59: The stuff of the gods (2024)

Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by AB. All content is available with open access, use links below. The stuff of the gods. The material aspects of religion in ancient Greece Edited by Matthew Haysom, Maria Mili & Jenny Wallensten The “material turn” in the humanities and social sciences has brought about an expanded understanding of the material dimension of all cultural and social phenomena. In the Classics it has resulted in the breaking down of boundaries within the discipline and a growing interest in materiality within literature. In the study of religion cross-culturally new perspectives are emphasising religion as a material phenomenon and belief as a practice founded in the material world. This volume brings together experts in all aspects of Greek religion to consider its material dimensions. Chapters cover both themes traditionally approached by archaeologists, such as dedications and sacred space, and themes traditionally approached by philologists, such as the role of objects in divine power. They include a wide variety of themes ranging from the imminent material experience of religion for ancient Greek worshippers to the role of material culture in change and continuity over the long term. Chapter abstracts and author affiliations…

OpAthRom-13-10: Book reviews
Book review , Content / 2020-11-02

Opuscula is published by the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome, with the aid of a grant from the Swedish Research Council. Distributed by AB. View journal at ERIH PLUS. All content available with open access. Book reviews Troels Myrup Kristensen (Aarhus University, Denmark) | J. Siapkas, Från Olympia till Leonidas (Antikvetenskapens teoretiska landskap, 2), Lund: Nordic Academic Press 2018. 368 pp. ISBN 978-91-88661-69-2. Filmo Verhagen (Uppsala University, Sweden) | W. Scheidel, Escape from Rome. The failure of empire and the road to prosperity, Princeton: Princeton University Press 2019. xvii + 670 pp., 56 figures and 5 tables. ISBN 978-0-6911721-8-7. Georgia Galani (Stockholm University, Sweden) | V. di Napoli, F. Camia, V. Evangelidis, D. Grigoropoulos, D. Rogers, S. Vlizos (eds.), What’s new in Roman Greece? Recent work on the Greek Mainland and the islands in the Roman period. Proceedings of a conference held in Athens, 8–10 October 2015 (ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ, 80), National Hellenic Research Foundation/Institute of Historical Research: Athens 2018. 646 pp.,16 pls. ISBN 978-960-9538-79-4. Johannes Siapkas (Stockholm University, Sweden) | L.M. Andersen Funder, T. Myrup Kristensen, & V. Nørskov, Classical heritage and European identities. The imagined landscapes of Danish classicism. Abingdon: Routledge 2019. 125 pp. ISBN: 978-1-138-31750-5. Åke Engsheden (Stockholm University,…