Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Beiträge zur Topographie des Forum-Boarium-Gebietes in Rom. Testemonien nebst Kommentar und kritischem Apparat By Helge Lyngby Contents Vorrede Bibliographie Resumé A. Die Heiligtümer des Hercules im Forum-Boarium-Gebiet I. Die Testimonien über die Heiligtümer am Circus Maximus II: Die Testimonien über die Heiligtümer auf dem Forum Boarium III. Die Testimonien über die Heiligtümer an der Porta Trigemina IV. Testimonien ohne klare Lokalisierung B. Die Mauern des reoublikanischen Roms in der Gegend des Tibers Einleitung I. Porta Carmentalis II. Porta Flumentana III. Porta Triumphalis Nachtrag Αnhang I. Abbildungen Anhang II. Renaissancetestimonien zur Abt. AIb α Indices Verzeichnis der Kartenskizzen Bibliographical information Helge Lyngby, Beiträge zur Topographie des Forum-Boarium-Gebietes in Rom. Testemonien nebst Kommentar und kritischem Apparat (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Rom-8, 7), Lund 1954. Reviews American Journal of Archaeology 60:1, 1956, 79-80 (Louise Adams Holland). The Classical Review 7:2, 1957, 172-173 (J. Reynolds). Historia. Zeitschrift für alte Geschichte 3:4, 1955, 498-499 (F.G. Maier). Latomus 14:3, 1955, 508 (Lionel Casson). Mnemosyne 11:2, 1958, 178 (J.H. Jongkees). Revue des Études Anciennes 58:1-2, 1956, 146-151 (Pierre Grimal).
Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions / out of print. List of published volumes Early Rome 1. Stratigraphical resarches in the Forum Romanum and along the Sacra Via Early Rome 2. The tombs Early Rome 3. Fortifications, domestic architecture, sanctuaries, stratigraphic excavations Early Rome 4:1. Synthesis of archaeological evidence Early Rome 4:2. Synthesis of archaeological evidence Early Rome 5. The written sources Early Rome 6. Historical survey Early Rome 1. Stratigraphical resarches in the Forum Romanum and along the Sacra Via By Einar Gjerstad. Out of print. Preface (excerpt) This work of which Part 1 is here published has been called EARLY ROME. My intention is to present the entire archaeological and written evidence bearing upon the early history of Rome, from the beginning of the pre-urban epoch to the end of the Regal period, and to present the conclusions drawn from this material. It is planned to publish the work in six parts of which this first part deals with the stratigraphical evidence from the Forum Romanum and the Archaic habitation on top of the pre-urban necropolis at the Sacra Via; in the second part a descriptive survey of the tombs…
Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Studien zur Topographie des Forum Romanum By Erik Welin Contents Verzseichnis der Abbildungen Vorwort Puteal Libonis und das Tribunal des Stadtpraetors Das Tribunal an der Marsyasstatue und dem Lacus Curtius Die Tribunalia der Quaestionsgerichte Die Basilika als Gerichts- und Amtslokal Gerichtsstätte und Blitzgrab Die Columna Maenia und die Ehrensäulen der republikanischen Zeit Colossus Augusti Atria Publica Literaturverzeichnis Register Bibliographical information Erik Welin, Studien zur Topographie des Forum Romanum (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Rom-8, 6), Lund 1953. Reviews Classical Philology 50:1, 1955, 55-56 (Dorothy M. Robathan) The Classical Review 5:2, 1955, 223-224 (J.M. Reynolds) Gnomon 26:4, 1954, 256-265 (Pietro Romanelli) Latomus 14:4, 1955, 612-615 (P. Naster)
Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Out of print. Le mura di Roma repubblicana By Gösta Säflund Bibliographical information Gösta Säflund, Le mura di Roma repubblicana (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom, 4°, 1), Lund 1932.