Suecoromana 02: Nicola Pio (1995)
Suecoromana / 1995-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Nicola Pio as a collector of drawings By Per Bjurström Abstract Nicola Pio, who was born c. 1677 and can be traced until 1733, was a connoisseur and collector living in Rome. His primary interest was in prints and he formed a collection, the main part of which is still preserved in the Gabinetto Nazionale delle Stampe at Farnesina in Rome. His interest then turned to drawings and he wrote a work on 225 painters, sculptors and architects (1724), to which he added portraits of all the artists treated, as well as a collection of drawings by them. One hundred and sixty portraits have survived, most of them in the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm. Another 70 drawings from his collection have been identified. The present book presents an account of Pio’s activity as a collector and a catalogue of known portraits and drawings from his collection. Contents Foreword Literature quoted in abbreviated form Introduction The print collection Vite The portraits The drawings Drawings in the Louvre Catalogue Artists portrayed Concordance Clark-Bjurström Index of artists Bibliographical information Per Bjurström, Nicola Pio as a collector of drawings (Suecoromana. Studia…