Opuscula Romana 21 (1996)
Opuscula Romana / 1996-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Opuscula Romana. Annual of the Swedish Institute in Rome 21, 1996 Contents Gabriella Barbieri, Le necropolis etrusco-romane di Poggio Giudio e Casale Merlani presso Viterbo (pp. 7–51) Peter Danner, Bikonische Gefässe aus Chiusi (pp. 53–56) Barbro Santillo Frizell, Per Itinera Callium. Report on a pilot project (pp. 57–81) Lars Karlsson, The altar of Hieron at Syracuse. A discussion of its function (pp. 83–87) Allan Klynne & Peter Liljenstolpe, The Villa of Livia at Prima Porta. A report on the excavation of room 45 (pp. 89–100) Peter Liljenstolpe, An Ionic capital from the Villa of Livia at Prima Porta (pp. 101–105) Margareta Strandberg Olofsson, Celebration or death? Aspects of a new amphora from the Micali Painter’s workshop and the iconography of Etruscan black-figured vases (pp. 107–118) Örjan Wikander, Senators and equites VII. Matrilinear relationships and cognate nomenclature in the Roman Republic (pp. 119–124) Book reviews Allan Klynne, review of T.J. Cornell, The beginnings of Rome. Italy and Rome from the Bronze Age to the Punic Wars (c. 1000–264 BC) (pp. 125–129) Örjan Wikander, review of S.B. Downey, Architectural terracottas from the Regia (pp. 129–131) Örjan Wikander, review…

ActaRom-4°, 51: Opuscula Romana 19 (1993)
ActaRom-4° , Opuscula Romana / 1993-02-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Opuscula Romana. Annual of the Swedish Institute in Rome 19, 1993 Contents Articles Carl Nylander, Gustavo VI Adolfo, il “re archeologo” S.M. Il Re Gustavo VI Adolfo, Discorso in occasione del conferimento della laurea ad honorem Oxford 1955 Olle Brandt, Recent research on the tomb of Eurysaces Peter Danner, Stützen im Giebel—Ein Motiv der etruskischen Wandmalerei Harry Erkell, L’Imperatore Commodo ed Ercole-Melcart Pamela Hemphill, The Romans and the San Giovenale area Bo Lawergren, Lyres in the West (Italy, Greece) and East (Egypt, the Near East), ca. 2000 to 400 B.C. Örjan Wikander, Senators and equites V. Ancestral pride and genealogical studies in Late Republican Rome Charlotte Wikander, Acquarossa: campagna di scavo 1991 The Swedish Institute in Rome. Report for the academic years 1990–91 and 1991–92 Book reviews Charlotte Wikander, review of R.R. Knoop, Antefixa Satricana. Sixth-century architectural terracottas from the sanctuary of Mater Matuta at Satricum (Le Ferriere) Örjan Wikander, review of O. Salomies, Die römischen Vornamen. Studien zur römischen Namengebung Örjan Wikander, review of I. Nielsen, Thermae et balnea. The architecture and cultural history of Roman public baths Örjan Wikander, review of G. Brodribb, Roman…

ActaRom-4°, 50: Deliciae fictiles (1993)

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Deliciae fictiles. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Central Italic Architectural Terracottas at the Swedish Institute in Rome, 10–12 December 1990 Edited by Eva Rystedt, Charlotte Wikander & Örjan Wikander Abstract Thirty-three papers on architectural terracottas read at an international conference in Rome. The papers include contributions on Greek material, but the main emphasis is placed on Central Italic roofs (from Northern Etruria to Campania) from the Archaic period. Several papers present hitherto unpublished material, either recently excavated or from earlier, unpublished, excavations and collections. Contents Eva Rystedt, ‘Preface’, p. 7 Arvid Andrén, ‘L’avviamento’, p. 9 ‘General list of abbreviations’, pp. 11–16 Nancy A. Winter, ‘The Greek background for Archaic architectural terracottas of Central Italy’, pp. 17–20 John F. Kenfield, ‘A modelled terracotta frieze from Archaic Morgantina: its East Greek and Central Italian affinities’, pp. 21–28 Concetta Ciurcina, ‘Rapporti tra le terrecotte architettoniche della Sicilia orientale e quelle dell’Italia centrale’, pp. 29–38 Elena Epifanio Vanni, ‘Antefisse di tipo campano a Himera’, pp. 39–43 Maria Bonghi Jovino, ‘La decorazione architettonica di Capua: peculiarità, itinerarii e modelli’, pp. 45–54 Ninina Cuomo di Caprio & Matilde Romito, ‘Fratti…