Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Opuscula Atheniensia. Annual of the Swedish Institute at Athens 27, 2002 Contents Hans-Günther Buchholz | Arthur Milchhöfer, ein Verehrer und Führsprecher Schliemanns und “Die Anfänge der Kunst in Griechenland” (pp. 7-26) Katie Demakopoulou, Nicoletta Divari-Valakou, Ann-Louise Schallin, Gunnel Ekroth, Anna Lindblom, Monica Nilsson & Lena Sjögren | Excavations in Midea 2000 and 2001, with an appendix by Y. Bassiakos (pp. 27-58) Johan Flemberg | A female canon in Late Classical and Hellenistic sculpture (pp. 59-82) Jeannette Forsén, Björn Forsén & Lars Karlsson | The walls of Asea (pp. 83-104) Helen Mangou & Panayiotis V. Ioannou | Trends in the making of Greek copper-based artefacts during the prehistoric period (4000-1050 BC) (pp. 105-118) Gullög Nordquist | Pots, prestige and people. Symbolic action in Middle Helladic burials (pp. 109-135) Mirena Slavova | Mystery clubs in Bulgarian lands in antiquity. Greek epigraphical evidence (pp. 137-149) Helène Whittaker | Religion and power. The nature of Minoan influence on early Mycenaean religion (pp. 151-157) Book reviews Björn Forsén | E. Kourinou, Σπάρτη. Συμβολὴ στὴ μνημειακὴ τοπογραφία τησ (pp. 159-160) Johannes Siapkas | J. McInerney, The folds of Parnassos. Land and ethnicity in ancient Phokis…
Published by the Swedis Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Robin Hägg dedicata. Opuscula Atheniensia. Annual of the Swedish Institute at Athens 25–26, 2000–2001 Contents Therese Åkerstedt | Hellenistic-Roman chamber toms at Milas: Swedish excavations 1938 (pp. 9–23) Yvonne Backe-Forsberg, Christina Risberg & Yannis Bassiakos | Metal-working at Asine. Report on the remains of iron production from the Barbouna area and the area east of the Acropolis (pp. 25–34) Katie Demakopoulou, Nicoletta Divari-Valakou, Paul Åström & Gisela Walberg | Work in Midea 1997–1999: excavation, conservation, restoration (pp. 35–52) Niklas Hillbom | Minoan and Eastern Mediterranean games and game boards: a history of research (pp. 53–65) Kerstin Höghammar | A note on the border conflict between Argos and Sparta in the second century B.C. (pp. 67–70) Petra Pakkanen | The relationship between continuity and change in Dark Age Greek religion: a methodological study (pp. 71–88) Introduction: Mycenaean pictorial pottery (p. 89) Vassos Karageorghis | The Mycenaean pottery of the pictorial style: achievements and perspectives (pp. 91–93) Hans Mommsen & Joseph Maran | Production places of some Mycenaean pictorial vessels: the contribution of chemical pottery analysis (pp. 95–106) Lucia Vagnetti | Preliminary remarks on Mycenaean pictorial pottery from the central Mediterranean…
Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Opuscula Atheniensia. Annual of the Swedish Institute at Athens 22–23, 1997–1998 Contents Marie-Françoise Billot | Sanctuaire et cultes d’Athéna à Argos (pp. 7–52) Hélène Borrman, Mascot Fjaestad-Seger, E. Urban Engström & Paul Åström | A dental radiographic examination of a Late Bronze Age skull from Kition (pp. 53–56) Katie Demakopoulou, Nicoletta Divari-Valakou, Paul Åström & Gisela Walberg | Excavations in Midea 1995–1996 (pp. 57–90) Johan Flemberg | An Anadyomene in the Milles Collection (pp. 91–101) Barbro Santillo Frizell | Monumental building at Mycenae. Its function and audience (pp. 103–116) Jane F. Lloyd | The Minoan hall system and the problem of an entrance to the South House at Knossos (pp. 117–140) G.H.R. Wright | Puer aeternus in prehistoric Cyprus (pp. 141–146) Miscellanea Göran Henriksson & Mary Blomberg | Petsophas and the summer solstice (pp. 147–151) Penelope A. Mountjoy | An octopus stirrup jar from Kalymnos (pp. 152–154) In memoriam Alfred Westholm (written by Paul Åström) (p. 155) Erik Holmberg (written by Paul Åström) (p. 156) Book reviews Henrik Gerding | P. James et al., Centuries of darkness. A challenge to the conventional chronology of Old World archaeology (pp. 157–160)…
Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Opuscula Atheniensia. Annual of the Swedish Institute at Athens 20, 1994 Contents Articles Diane L. Bolger, ‘Engendering Cypriot archaeology: female roles and statuses before the Bronze Age’ Katie Demakopoulou, Nicolletta Divari-Valakou & Gisela Walberg, ‘Excavations and restoration work in Midea 1990–1992’ Björn Forsén, ‘Marmorne Gewichtsteine aus Thera’ David Frankel & Jennifer M. Webb, ‘Hobs and hearths in Bronze Age Cyprus’ Carole Gillis, ‘Binding evidence. Tin foil and organic binder on Aegean Late Bronze Age pottery’ Vassos Karageorghis, ‘Monkeys and bears in Cypriot art’ Jane F. Lloyd, ‘A clay triton shell in a private collection in New York’ Erik Østby, Jean-Marc Luce, Gullög C. Nordquist, Chiara Tarditi & Mary E. Voyatzis, ‘The sanctuary of Athena Elea at Tegea: first preliminary report (1990–1992)’ Jari Pakkanen, ‘Accuracy and proportional rules in Greek Doric temples’ Edgar Peltenburg, ‘Constructing authority: the Vounos enclosure model’ Claus Reinholdt, ‘”ΝΟΣΤΟΣ ΌΔΥΣΣΗΙ” oder Vita Humana? Zu einem Vasenbild des Schweinemalers in Cambridge’ Paavo Roos, ‘In search of ancient stadia and hippodromes in Anatolia’ Ilse Schoep, ‘”Home sweet home”. Some comments on the so-called house models from the prehellenic Aegean’ Eva Toivonen Skage, ‘Supplementary sherds from Ayos Jakovos Tomb…
Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Opuscula Atheniensia. Annual of the Swedish Institute at Athens 19, 1992 Contents Carl Nylander, ‘Sture Brunnsåker, 1925–1978’ (p. 9) Paul Åström, Katie Demakopoulou, Nicoletta Divari-Valakou & Peter M. Fischer, ‘Excavations in Midea, 1989–1990’ (pp. 11–22) Gisela Walberg, ‘Excavations on the Lower Terraces at Midea’ (pp. 23–39) Birgitta Bergquist, ‘A particular, Western Greek cult practice? The significance of stele-crowned, sacrificial deposits’ (pp. 41–47) Mary Blomberg, ‘The meaning of Χελιδών in Hesiod’ (pp. 49–57) Robin Hägg & Gullög C. Nordquist, ‘Excavations in the Levendis sector at Asine, 1989. A preliminary report with an appendix on the animal bones by Katrin Moberg’ (pp. 59–68) Tullia Linders, ‘The Delian temple accounts: some observations’ (pp. 69–73) Alexandros Mazarakis Ainian, ‘Nichoria in the south-western Peloponnese: Units VI-1 and IV-5 reconsidered’ (pp. 75–84) Erik Østby, ‘Der dorische Tempel von Pherai’ (pp. 85–113) Paul Rehak, ‘Minoan vessels with figure-eight shields: antecedents to the Knossos throneroom alabastra’ (pp. 115–124) Eva Rystedt, ‘Notes on the rattle scenes on Attic Geometric pottery’ (pp. 125–133) Berit Wells, ‘The walls of Asine’ (pp. 135–142) Charlotte Wikander, ‘Pomp and circumstance. The procession of Ptolemaios II’ (pp. 143–150) Örjan Wikander, ‘Archaic roof-tiles: the first…
Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Opuscula Atheniensia. Annual of the Swedish Institute at Athens 18, 1990 Edited by Brita Alroth Contents Articles Paul Åström, Katie Demakopoulou, Nicoletta Divari-Valakou, Peter M. Fischer & Gisela Walberg, ‘Excavations in Midea 1987’, 9–22. Birgitta Bergquist, ‘Primary or secondary temple function: the case of Halieis’, 23–37. Danali-Giole, ‘Ikonographische Beobachtungen zu drei Mythologischen Themen: Pentheus, Phineus, Prometheus’, 39–44. Søren Dietz & Nicoletta Divari-Valakou, ‘A Middle Helladic III/Late Helladic I grave group from Myloi in the Argolid (Oikopedon Manti)’, 45–62. Carole S. Gillis, ‘Statistical analyses and conical cups. A preliminary report from Akrotiri, Thera’, 63–93. Robin Hägg, ‘The Cretan hut-models’, 95–107. Bernard Knapp, ‘Copper production and Mediterranean trade: the view from Cyprus’, 109–116. A.A.D. Peatfield, ‘Minoan peak sanctuaries: history and society’, 117–131. Francis Piejko, ‘To the inscriptions of Labraunda’, 133–156. Gery de Pierpont, ‘Aegean jewellery: a new approach to a typology. Application on gold and silver Minoan jewellery (2700–1450)’, 157–165. Eva Rystedt, ‘On distinguishing hands in Mycenaean pictorial vase-painting’, 167–176. Eva Rystedt, ‘Die Wagenfriese der attischen geometrischen Keramik und die Frage ihrer Ablesung. Vorläufige Bemerkungen anlässlich einer Vase im Louvre’, 177–183. Charlotte Scheffer, ‘“Domus Regiae”—a Greek tradition?’, 185–191. Peter Warren, ‘Of…