Opuscula 11 (2018) is available for purchase at Amazon.com, Adlibris, Bokus and bokorder.se. Distributed by eddy.se ab. Preliminary report of the Malthi Archaeological Project, 2015–2016 By Rebecca Worsham (Smith College), Michael Lindblom (Uppsala University) & Claire Zikidi (Independent scholar, Greece). Abstract This article offers preliminary results and tentative interpretations of new work at the previously excavated settlement of Malthi in Messenia, south-west Pelopponese. The work included an intensive survey of the site architecture, as well as test excavations of spaces within and outside of the fortification wall. We propose updated observations on the chronology and phasing of the site based on pottery dates from the new excavation and comment on the preserved architecture as it compares to other settlements of the period. The settlement appears to have been first inhabited in the second half of the Middle Helladic period. Little, if any, architecture from this phase can be securely identified today. At the beginning of the Late Helladic period a fortification was erected, and the entire layout of the site was transformed. The construction likely took place as a single project, as argued by the original excavator, and so indicates a significant investment of labor and capital. Such an undertaking…
Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Swedish excavations at Sinda, Cyprus. Excavations conducted by Arne Furumark 1947–1948 Arne Furumark & Charles M. Adelman, with contributions by Paul Åström, Nils-Gustaf Gejwall & Hans Henning von der Osten When Arne Furumark was entrusted with writing the Late Bronze Age summary volume for the Swedish Cyprus Expedition, he realized that a habitation site was needed in order to clarify problems associated with the last phases of that period. As neither the French nor the Cypriot excavations at Enkomi had yet been published he decided to find his own site: he scouted several, but settled on Sinda because recent illicit digging there had thrown up sherds of a sort never before seen on the island, namely Mycenaean IIIC1b. He conducted two short excavation seasons but the control excavation he planned was aborted when he received notice from Cypriote authorities that there was large scale destruction of the site. Although there is evidence of earlier and later habitation at Sinda, the most important is the Late Bronze Age fortified town (probably built along the copper trading route), with its three phases: Sinda I, II and III. Sinda I, which saw…
Mycenaean pottery Vol. 1. Analysis and classification By Arne Furumark Out of print. See record at WorldCat. Contents Abbreviations (pp. XV–XVI) Preface (pp. XVII–XIX) Introduction (pp. 1–10) Technique (pp. 11–15) Shape (pp. 16–109) Decoration (pp. 110–582) Catalogue of vessel types (pp. 583–643) Index of sites and publications of find (pp. 644–654) Addenda (pp. 655–664) Bibliography (pp. 665–671) Alphabetical index (pp. 672–688) Corrigenda (pp. 689–690) Bibliographical information Arne Furumark, Mycenaean pottery 1. Analysis and classification (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 4°, 20:1), Stockholm 1972. ISSN: 0586-0539. ISBN: 978-91-85086-04-7. Soft cover: 690 pages. Reviews L’Antiquité Classique 44:1, 1975, 374 (Frieda Vandenabeele) The Classical Review 24:2, 308–309 (R. Cook) The Classical World 68:3, 184–185 (Joseph W. Shaw) Vol. 2. Chronology By Arne Furumark Out of print. Contents Abbreviations (pp. 11–12) Preface (pp. 13–15) Relative chronology (pp. 17–109) Absolute chronology (pp. 110–128) Addendum (pp. 129–131) Index of vessel types (pp. 132–145) Index of sites and publications of finds (pp. 146–150) Bibliography (pp. 151–155) Corrigenda (p. 156) Bibliographical information Arne Furumark, Mycenaean pottery 2. Chronology (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 4°, 20:2), Stockholm 1972. ISSN: 0586-0539. ISBN: 978-91-85086-05-4. Soft cover: 155 pages. Reviews L’Antiquité Classique 44:1, 1975, 374 (Frieda Vandenabeele) The…