Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Out of print. Opuscula Romana 1 Arvid Andrén | Scavo sull’Acropoli di Ardea. Rapporto preliminare (pp. 1–20) Ragnhild Billig | Die Kirchenpläne “al modo antico” von Sebastiano Serlio (pp. 21–38) Christian Callmer | Flavio Biondo (pp. 39–49) Einar Gjerstad | The Fortifications of Early Rome (pp. 50–65) Krister Hanell | Die Form der römischen Eigennamen bei Polybios (pp. 66–76) Martin P. Nilsson | Roman and Greek Domestic Cult (pp. 77–85) Erik Sjöqvist | Kaisareion (pp. 86–108) J. Svennung | Phaselus ille. Zum 4. Gedicht Catulls (pp. 109–124) Bengt Erik Thomasson | Iscrizioni del Sepolcreto di Via Ostiense (pp. 125–152) Hhilding Thylander | La denomination chez Cicéron dans les letteres à Atticus (pp. 153–159) Olof Vessberg | Roman Portrait Art in Cyprus (pp. 160–165) Erik Welin | Ara Martis in Campo. Zur Frage der Bedeutung und des Umfanges des Campus Martius (pp. 166–190) Åke Åkerström | Untersuchungen über die figürlichen Terrakottafriese aus Etrurien und Latium (pp. 191–231) Bibliographical information Opuscula Romana 1 (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom, 4°, 18), Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup 1954, pp. 231.
Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Opuscula Atheniensia 1 Contents Martin P. Nilsson | The Prehistoric Migrations of the Greeks (pp. 1–8) Åke Åkerström | Some pictorial Vase Representations from the Mainland in Late-Helladic Times (pp. 9–28) Natan Valmin | Malthi-Epilog, Vorläufiger Bericht über die schwedische Ausgrabung in Messenien 1952 (pp. 29–46) Arne Furumark | A Scarab from Cyprus (pp. 47–65) Åke Elmquist | An Italic Vase-Painter of the Early 6th Century B.C. (pp. 66–79) Erik J. Holmberg | The so-called Vase Painter of Athens 1806 (pp. 80–86) Erik Sjöqvist | The Early Style of Lysippus (pp. 87–97) Arvid Andrén | A Puzzle of Bronzes (pp. 98–103) Willy Schwabacher | Der Parthenos-Archetyp der hellenistischen Silbermünzen Athens (pp. 104–114) Olof Vessberg | Hellenistic and Roman Lamps in Cyprus (pp. 115–129) T.B. Mitford | Seleucus and Theodorus (pp. 130–171) Axel Boëthius | Die hellenisierte italische Stadt der römischen Republik (pp. 172–186) Einar Gjerstad | Lunar Months of Hesiod and Homer (pp. 187–194) Albert Wifstrand | Ein Epigramm aus Kappadokien (pp. 195–198) Gösta Säflund | Karische Inschriften aus Labranda (pp. 199–205) Paul Åström | Three Gravestones from Mersinet (pp. 206–207) Christian Callmer | Sam Wide und die ersten…