Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 4˚, also known as Acta Instituti Atheniensis Regni Sueciae, series in 4˚ (ISSN: 0586-0539), was first published in 1951. The series is published by the Swedish Institute at Athens and includes monographs and collections of scholarly works such as excavation reports and conference volumes within the fields of Classical Archaeology, Ancient History and Greek Philology. The bibliographical abbreviation is ActaAth-4˚. Issues published 2007 and earlier are distributed by Astrom Editions. Issues published 2008 and later are distributed by
List of titles, by volume number
1 = Åkerström, Å. 1951. Architektonische Terrakottaplatten in Stockholm. Stockholm.
2 = 1953. Opuscula Atheniensia 1. Axel W. Persson in memoriam. Stockholm. Out of print.
3 = 1955. Opuscula Atheniensia 2. Stockholm. Out of print.
4 = Svenska Syrienexpeditionen 1952–1953
4:1 = von der Osten, H.H. 1956. Die Grabung von Tell es-Salihiyeh. Stockholm. Out of print.
5 = Labraunda. Swedish excavations and researches
5:1 = Architecture
5:1:1 = Jeppesen, C. 1955. The Propylaea. Stockholm. Out of print.
5:1:2 = Westholm, A. 1963. The architecture of the Hieron. Stockholm.
5:2 = Finds
5:2:1 = Hellström, P. 1965. Pottery of Classical and later date, terracotta lamps and glass. Stockholm.
5:3 = Inscriptions
5:3:1 = Crampa, J. 1969. The Greek inscriptions. 1–12 (Period of Olympichus). Stockholm. Out of print.
5:3:2 = Crampa, J. 1972. The Greek inscriptions. 13–133. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-07-8.
6 = Fraser, P., and T. Rönne. 1957. Boeotian and West Greek tombstones. Stockholm.
7 = 1960. Opuscula Atheniensia 3. Stockholm. Out of print.
8 = 1962. Opuscula Atheniensia 4. Einar Gjerstad dedicata. Stockholm. Out of print.
9 = 1965. Opuscula Atheniensia 5. Stockholm. Out of print.
10 = 1965. Opuscula Atheniensia 6. Stockholm.
11 = Åkerström, Å. 1966. Die architektonischen Terrakotten Kleinasiens. Stockholm.
12 = 1967. Opuscula Atheniensia 7. Åke Åkerström dedicata. Stockholm.
13 = Bergquist, B. 1967. The Archaic Greek temenos. A study of structure and function. Stockholm.
14 = 1968. Opuscula Atheniensia 8. Arne Furumark dedicata. Stockholm.
15 = 1969. Opuscula Atheniensia 9. Stockholm.
16 = Ahlberg, G. 1971. Fighting on land and sea in Greek Geometric art. Stockholm.
17 = Brunnsåker, S. 1971. The tyrant-slayers of Kritios and Nesiotes. A critical study on the sources and restorations. Stockholm. ISBN 10: 91-85086-00-2. ISBN 13: 978-91-85086-00-9,
18 = 1971. Opuscula Atheniensia 10. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-01-6.
19 = Linders, T. 1972. Studies in the treasure records or Artemis Brauronia found in Athens. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-02-3.
20 = Mycenaean pottery
20:1 = Furumark, A. 1972. Analysis and classification. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-04-7. Out of print.
20:2 = Furumark, A. 1972. Chronology. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-05-4. Out of print.
20:3 = Furumark, A. 1992. Plates. Ed. Paul Åström, Robin Hägg, and G. Walberg. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-026-5.
21 = Nikolitsis, N. 1974. The Battle of the Granicus. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-08-5.
22 = 1978. Opuscula Atheniensia 11. Olof Vessberg dedicata. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-09-2.
23 = Åkerström-Hougen, G. 1974. The calendar and hunting mosaics of the Villa of the Falconer in Argos. A study in Early Byzantine iconography. Stockholm. ISBN: ISBN 978-91-85086-10-8.
24 = Asine 2. Results of the excavations east of the Acropolis 1970–1974
24:1 = Dietz, S. 1982. General stratigraphical analysis and architectural remains. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-55-9.
24:2 = Dietz, S. 1980. The Middle Helladic cemetery, the Middle Helladic and Early Mycenaean deposits. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-24-5.
24:3 = Santillo Frizell, B. 1986. The Late and Final Mycenaean periods. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-93-1.
24:4 = The Protogeometric Period
24:4:1 = Wells, B. 1976. The tombs. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-11-5.
24:4:2 = Wells, B. 1983. An analysis of the settlement. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-56-6.
24:4:3 = Wells, B. 1983. Catalogue of pottery and other artefacts. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-57-3.
24:6 = The Post-Geometric periods
24:6:1 = Rafn, B. 1976. The graves of the early fifth century B.C. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-23-8.
24:6:2 = Poulsen, E. 1994. The Post-Geometric settlement material and tombs of the Hellenistic period. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-028-9.
25 = 1975. Opuscula Atheniensia 12. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-12-2.
26 = Gjerstad, E. 1977. Greek Geometric and Archaic pottery found in Cyprus. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-22-1.
27 = 1980. Opuscula Atheniensia 13. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-25-2.
28 = Hägg, R., and N. Marinatos, eds. 1981. Sanctuaries and cults in the Aegean Bronze Age. Proceedings of the First International Symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 12–13 May, 1980. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-43-6. Out of print.
29 = 1982. Opuscula Atheniensia 14. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-44-3.
30 = Hägg, R., ed. 1983. The Greek Renaissance of the eight century B.C. Tradition and innovation. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 1–5 June, 1981. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-58-0. Out of print.
31 = 1984. Opuscula Atheniensia 15. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-59-7.
32 = Hägg, R., and N. Marinatos, eds. 1984. The Minoan thalassocracy. Myth and reality. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 31 May–5 June 1982. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-78-8. Out of print.
33 = Ahlberg-Cornell, G. 1984. Herakles and the sea monster in Attic black-figure vase-painting. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-79-5.
34 = 1986. Opuscula Atheniensia 16. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-80-1.
35 = Hägg, R., and N. Marinatos, eds. 1987. The function of the Minoan palaces. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 10–16 June, 1984. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-94-8.
36 = Åkerström, Å. 1987. Berbati 2. The pictorial pottery. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-96-2.
37 = 1988. Opuscula Atheniensia 17. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-000-5.
38 = Hägg, R., N. Marinatos, and G.C. Nordquist, eds. 1988. Early Greek cult practice. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 26–29 June, 1986. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-85086-97-9.
39 = 1990. Opuscula Atheniensia 18. Tullia Linders dedicata. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-020-3.
40 = Hägg, R., and G.C. Nordquist, eds. 1990. Celebrations of death and divinity in the Bronze Age Argolid. Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 11–13 June, 1988. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-021-0.
41 = 1992. Opuscula Atheniensia 19. Sture Brunnsåker in memoriam. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-023-4.
42 = Wells, B, ed. 1992. Agriculture in ancient Greece. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 16–17 May 1990. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-024-1.
43 = 1994. Opuscula Atheniensia 20. Paul Åström dedicata. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-030-2.
44 = Wells, B., and C. Runnels, eds. 1996. The Berbati-Limnes Archaeological Survey 1988–1990. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-031-9.
45 = Asine 3
45:1 = Hägg, R., G.C. Nordquist, and B. Wells, eds. 1996. Supplementary studies on the Swedish excavations 1922–1930. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-032-6.
45:2 = Ingvarsson-Sundström, A. 2008. Children lost and found. A bioarchaeological study of Middle Helladic children in Asine with a comparison to Lerna. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-056-2.
46 = Hägg, R, ed. 1997. The function of the “Minoan villa”. Proceedings of the Eight International Symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 6–11 June 1992. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-034-0.
47 = The Greek-Swedish excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square, Kastelli, Khania 1970–1987, 2001, 2005 and 2008
47:1 = From the Geometric to the Modern Greek period
47:1:1 = Hallager, E., and B.P. Hallager, eds. 1997. Text. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-035-7.
47:1:2 = Hallager, E., and B.P. Hallager, eds. 1997. Plates. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-035-7.
47:2 = Hallager, E., and B.P. Hallager, eds. 2000. The Late Minoan IIIC period. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-041-8.
47:3 = The Late Minoan IIIB:2 settlement
47:3:1 = Hallager, E., and B.P. Hallager, eds. 2003. Text. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-045-6.
47:3:2 = Hallager, E., and B.P. Hallager, eds. 2003. Plates. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-045-6.
47:4 = The Late Minoan IIIB:1 and IIIA:2 settlements
47:4:1 = Hallager, E., and B.P. Hallager, eds. 2011. Text. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-060-9.
47:4:2 = Hallager, E., and B.P. Hallager, eds. 2011. Plates. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-060-9.
47:5 = The Late Minoan IIIA:1 and II settlements
47:5:1 = Hallager, B.P., and E. Hallager, eds. 2016. Text. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-060-9.
47:5:2 = Hallager, B.P., and E. Hallager, eds. 2016. Plates. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-060-9.
48 = Hägg, R, ed. 2002. Peloponnesian sanctuaries and cult. Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 11–13 June 1994. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-038-8.
49 = Excavations on the Acropolis of Midea. Results of the Greek-Swedish excavations
49:1 = The excavations on the Lower Terraces 1985–1991
49:1:1 = Walberg, G. 1998. Text. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-039-5.
49:1:2 = Walberg, G. 1998. Plates. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-039-5.
50 = Furumark, A. ans C. Adelman 2003. Swedish excavations at Sinda, Cyprus. Excavations conducted by Arne Furumark 1947–1948. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-046-3.
51 = Forsén, J., and B. Forsén. 2003. The Asea Valley Survey. An Arcadian mountain valley from the Paleolithic period to Modern times. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-047-0.
52 = Hjohlman, J., A. Penttinen, and B. Wells. 2005. Pyrgouthi. A rural site in the Berbati Valley from the Early Iron Age to Late Antiquity. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-052-4.
53 = Rystedt, E., and B. Wells, eds. 2006. Pictorial pursuits. Figurative painting on Mycenaean and Geometric pottery. Papers from two seminars at the Swedish Institute at Athens in 1999 and 2001. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-053-1.
54 = Lindblom, M., and B. Wells, eds. 2011. Mastos in the Berbati Valley. An intensive archaeological survey. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-058-6.
55 = Ekroth, G., and J. Wallensten, eds. 2013. Bones, behaviour and belief. The zooarchaeological evidence as a source for ritual practice in ancient Greece and beyond. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-062-3.
56 = Schallin, A.-L., and I. Tournavitou, eds. 2015. Mycenaeans up to date. The archaeology of the northeastern Peloponnese—current concepts and new directions. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-063-0.
57 = Badoud, N. 2017. Inscriptions et timbres céramiques de Rhodes. Documents recueillis par le médecin et explorateur suédois Johan Hedenborg (1786–1865). Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-065-4.
58 = Agios Elias of Asea, Arcadia. From early sanctuary to medieval village
58:1 = Volume 1. J. Forssén, ed. 2021. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-066-1.
59 = M. Haysom, M. Mili & J. Wallensten, eds. 2024. The stuff of the gods. The material aspects of religion in ancient Greece. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-068-5.
60 = J.-M. Carbon & G. Ekroth, eds. 2024. From snout to tail. Exploring the Greek sacrificial animal from the literary, epigraphical, iconographical, archaeological and zooarchaeological evidence. Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7916-069-2.
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