ActaAth-4°, 04: Svenska Syreinexpeditionen 1952–1953 (1956)

Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Svenska Syreinexpeditionen 1952–1953 vol. 1. Die Grabung von Tell es-Salihiyeh By Hans Henning von der Osten Bibliographical information Hans Henning von der Osten, Svenska Syreinexpeditionen 1952–1953 vol. 1. Die Grabung von Tell es-Salihiyeh (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 4°, 4), Gleerup: Lund 1956....

ActaAth-4°, 05: Labraunda. Swedish excavations and researches (1955–1972)

Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Labraunda. Swedish excavations and researches Vol. 1. Architecture Fasc. 1. Kristian Jeppesen, The Propylaea, Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup 1955 Fasc. 2. Alfred Westholm, The architecture of the Hieron, Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup 1963 Vol. 2. Finds Fasc. 1. Pontus Hellström, Pottery of Classical and later date, terracotta lamps and glass, Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup 1965 Vol. 3. I...

ActaRom-8˚, 07: Beiträge zur Topographie des Forum-Boarium-Gebietes in Rom (1954)
ActaRom-8° / 1954-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Beiträge zur Topographie des Forum-Boarium-Gebietes in Rom. Testemonien nebst Kommentar und kritischem Apparat By Helge Lyngby Contents Vorrede Bibliographie Resumé A. Die Heiligtümer des Hercules im Forum-Boarium-Gebiet I. Die Testimonien über die Heiligtümer am Circus Maximus II: Die Testimonien über die Heiligtümer auf dem Forum Bo...

ActaRom-4°, 18: Opuscula Romana 1 (1954)
ActaRom-4° , Opuscula Romana / 1954-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Out of print. Opuscula Romana 1 Arvid Andrén | Scavo sull’Acropoli di Ardea. Rapporto preliminare (pp. 1–20) Ragnhild Billig | Die Kirchenpläne “al modo antico” von Sebastiano Serlio (pp. 21–38) Christian Callmer | Flavio Biondo (pp. 39–49) Einar Gjerstad | The Fortifications of Early Rome (pp. 50–65) Krister Hanell | Die Form der römischen Eigennamen bei ...

ActaRom-4°, 17: Early Rome (1953–1973)
ActaRom-4° / 1953-01-01

List of published volumes Early Rome 1.  Stratigraphical resarches in the Forum Romanum and along the Sacra Via Early Rome 2. The tombs Early Rome 3. Fortifications, domestic architecture, sanctuaries, stratigraphic excavations Early Rome 4:1. Synthesis of archaeological evidence Early Rome 4:2. Synthesis of archaeological evidence Early Rome 5. The written sources Early Rome 6. Historical survey Early Rome 1. Stratigraphical resarches...

ActaAth-4°, 02: Opuscula Atheniensia 1 (1953)

Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Opuscula Atheniensia 1 Contents Martin P. Nilsson | The Prehistoric Migrations of the Greeks (pp. 1–8) Åke Åkerström | Some pictorial Vase Representations from the Mainland in Late-Helladic Times (pp. 9–28) Natan Valmin | Malthi-Epilog, Vorläufiger Bericht über die schwedische Ausgrabung in Messenien 1952 (pp. 29–46) Arne Furumark | A Scarab from Cy...

ActaRom-8˚, 06: Studien zur Topographie des Forum Romanum (1953)
ActaRom-8° / 1953-01-01

Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Studien zur Topographie des Forum Romanum By Erik Welin Contents Verzseichnis der Abbildungen Vorwort Puteal Libonis und das Tribunal des Stadtpraetors Das Tribunal an der Marsyasstatue und dem Lacus Curtius Die Tribunalia der Quaestionsgerichte Die Basilika als Gerichts- und Amtslokal Gerichtsstätte und Blitzgrab Die Columna Maenia und die...