ActaRom-4°, 04: Opuscula Archaeologica 1 (1934 & 1935)


Front cover of Opuscula Archaeologica, vol. 1Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Out of print. View at WorldCat.

Opuscula Archaeologica 1


Fasc. 1

Erik Sjöqvist & Alfred Westholm | Zur Zeitbestimmung der Helena- und Constantiasarkophage (pp. 1–46)

Gerhard Bendz | Sur la question de la ville de la Laurente (pp. 47–63)

Gösta Säflund | Ancient Latin cities of the hills and the plains, a study in the evolution of settlements in ancient Italy (pp. 64–85)

Fasc. 2

Gösta Säflund | The dating of ancient fortifications in Southern Italy and Greece, with special reference to Hipponium (pp. 87–119)

Martin P. Nilsson | The triumphal arch and town planning (pp. 120–128)

Axel W. Persson | Die hellenistische Schiffbaukunst und die Nemischiffe (pp. 129–163)

Axel Boethius | Das Stadtbild im spätrepublikanischen Rom (pp. 164–195)

Karl Lehmann-Hartleben & John Lindros | Il palazzo degli orti Sallustiani (pp. 196–227)

Bibliographical information

Opuscula Archaeologica 1 (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom 4°, 4:1 & 2), Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup 1934 & 1935. ISSN: 0081-993X. Softcover: 227 pages + plates


American Journal of Archaeology 39:1, 1935, 164 (Tenney Frank)

The Classical Review 49:6, 1935, 237-238 (R. Gardner)

The Journal of Roman Studies, 25:1, 1935, 114-115 (C.G. Hardie)


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