Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions.
Ancient Greek cult practice from the archaeological evidence. Proceedings of the Fourth International Seminar on Ancient Greek Cult, organized by the Swedish Institute at Athens, 22–24 October 1993
Edited by Robin Hägg
A collection of thirteen papers, read at an international seminar in Athens, that deal with various phenomena of Greek cult practice, analyzing the information gained from the archaeological evidence. Among the special topics discussed are cult practice in the acropolis sanctuary of Minoa on Amorgos, the sanctuaries in the Artemision of Ephesos, the role played by osteological analysis in the understanding of Greek sacrificial practice, the interpretation of animal bones and fire traces connected with ritual feasting in the Herakleion on Thasos, ritual and society in Early Iron Age Corinthia, small dedications from the Archaic temple of Poseidon at Isthmia, altars in Greek hero cults, the early history of the sanctuary of Demeter and Kore at Eleusis, a sacrificial area near the sanctuary of Apollo Daphnephoros at Eretria, terracotta plaques and other finds from the sanctuary of Demeter and the Dioscouri at Messene, the interpretation of sickles in Greek sanctuaries, changes in votive practice from Classical to Hellenistic times, and cursing in the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore in ancient Corinth.
Preface (p. 7)
Lila Marangou | The acropolis sanctuary of Minoa on Amorgios. Cult practice from the 8th century BC to the 3rd century AD (pp. 9–26)
Anton Bammer | Sanctuaries in the Artemision of Ephesos (pp. 27–47)
Robin Hägg | Osteology and Greek sacrificial practice (pp. 49–56)
Birgitta Bergquist | Feasting of worshippers or Temple and sacrifice? The case of Herakleion on Thasos (pp. 57–72)
Catherine Morgan | Ritual and society in Early Iron Age Corinthia (pp. 73–90)
Elizabeth R. Gebhard | Small dedications in the Archaic temple of Poseidon at Isthmia (pp. 91–115)
Gunnel Ekroth | Altars in Greek hero-cults. A review of the archaeological evidence (pp. 117–130)
Judith Binder | The early history of the Demeter and Kore sanctuary at Eleusis (pp. 131–139)
Sandrine Huber | Une aire sacrificielle proche du sanctuaire d’Apollon Daphnéphoros à Érétrie. Approches d’un ritual archaïque (pp. 141–155)
Petros G. Themelis | The sanctuary if Demeter and the Dioscouri at Messene (pp. 157–186)
Uta Kron | Sickles in Greek sanctuaries. Votives and cultic instruments (pp. 187–216)
Brita Alroth | Changes in votive practice? From Classical to Hellenistic. Some examples (pp. 217–228)
Nancy Bookidis | Cursing in the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore at ancient Corinth (Summary) (pp. 229–231)
Programme and participants of the Seminar (p. 233)
Abbreviations (p. 235)
Indexes (p. 237)
Bibliographical information
Robin Hägg, ed., Ancient Greek cult practice from the archaeological evidence. Proceedings of the Fourth International Seminar on Ancient Greek Cult, organized by the Swedish Institute at Athens, 22–24 October 1993 (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 8°, 15), Stockholm 1998. ISSN 0081-9921. ISBN 978-91-7916-036-4. Soft cover, 249 pages.
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