ActaAth-8°, 22: Perspectives on ancient Greece (2013)

Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by AB. Perspectives on ancient Greece. Papers in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Swedish Institute at Athens By Ann-Louise Schallin, ed. Abstract This volume presents current research related to Greek prehistory and Classical Archaeology and thus serves as a crosssection of the research strategies, which the Swedish Institute at Athens promotes. The topics relate to research, which span from the Neolithic to the Hellenistic times. The reason for putting this publication together is twofold: one aim is to publish the papers, which were put forward by a select number of Swedish scholars who were invited to give lectures at the Swedish Institute at Athens during the celebrations commemorating the Institute’s 60th anniversary on 10 May 2008. The second aim is to honour professor emeritus Robin Hägg, who was the director at the Swedish Institute at Athens from 1976 to 1994. This book thus consists of articles based on the lectures, which were held at the Swedish Institute celebrations on May 10 2008 and also of a number of articles by scholars who wished to celebrate Robin Hägg and who thus joined the venture. Contents Acknowledgements Ann-Louise Schallin | Introduction…

ActaAth-8°, 20: Encounters with Mycenaean figures and figurines (2009)

Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by AB. Encounters with Mycenaean figures and figurines. Papers presented at a seminar at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 27–29 April 2001 By Ann-Louise Schallin & Petra Pakkanen, eds Abstract This volume presents fourteen articles which discuss Mycenaean figurines from various points of view. They focus on different aspects of the figurines, elaborating on their function, contextual characteristics, production, use-life, classification, topography, and history of scholarship. The articles are based on papers given at a workshop at the Swedish Institute at Athens in April 2001 entitled ‘Cultic Space and Mycenaean Figurines’. The idea of having a workshop arose from the fact that several of the participants were involved at the time with the documentation of various figurine types from the so-called Potter’s Workshop at Mastos in the Berbati Valley in the Argolid. The number and variety of the Mycenaean figurines from Mastos is impressive, particularly as the excavation had covered only a small area. The excavator, Å. Åkerström, proposed that the site had a cultic function in addition to its role as a production centre. In order to better understand the characteristics and identity of Mastos, scholars were invited to discuss…

ActaAth-4°, 47: The Greek-Swedish excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square, Kastelli, Khania (1997– )
ActaAth-4° , Open Access / 1997-02-01

Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions and AB. The Greek-Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square, Kastelli, Khania List of published volumes From the Geometric to the Modern Greek Period The Late Minoan IIIC settlement The Late Minoan IIIB:2 settlement The Late Minoan IIIB:1 and IIIA:2 Settlements The Late Minoan IIIA:1 and II Settlements Vol. 1, fasc. 1: The Greek-Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square, Kastelli, Khania 1970–1987. From the Geometric to the Modern Greek Period. Text Edited by Erik Hallager & Birgitta P. Hallager. Abstract This volume is the first in a series of seven, presenting the results of the Greek-Swedish Excavations in the Agia Aikaterini Square close to the harbour in the modern town of Khania, western Crete. The excavations, directed by Dr. Yannis Tzedakis and Dr. Carl-Gustaf Styrenius, were conducted during the years 1970-1987. With the exception of approximately 400 years during the Iron Age, the site at the Agia Aikaterini Square presents a continuous history of the town of Khania over a period of c. 5,000 years from the Final Neolithic period until modern times. The present volume deals with the most recent 3,000 years, i.e., the entire period…