Book reviews
Book review , Content / 2018-11-08

Opuscula 11 (2018) is available for purchase at, Adlibris, Bokus and Distributed by ab. Books reviewed in Opuscula 11 (2018) Floris van den Eijnde (Utrecht University) | X. Charalambidou & C. Morgan (eds.), Interpreting the seventh century BC. Tradition and innovation, Oxford: Archaeopress 2017. Viii + 460 pp., illustrated throughout in colour and black and white. ISBN 978-1-78491-572-8. Petra Pakkanen (The Open University in London) | A. Weststeijn & F. Whitling, Termini. Cornerstone of modern Rome (Papers of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome, 65), Rome: Edizioni Quasar 2017. 162 pp., 120 figs. ISBN 978-88-7140-813-2. Patrik Klingborg (Uppsala University) | K. Wellbrock, Die innerstädtische Wasserbewirtschaftung im hellenistisch-römischen Pergamon (Schriften der Deutschen Wasserhistorischen Gesellschaft—DWhG—e.V., Sonderband, 14), Siegburg: DWhG 2016. 370 pp., 80 pls. ISBN 978-3-86948-521-8. Paavo Roos (Lund University) | R. Fleischer, Die Felsgräber der Könige von Pontos in Amasya (Istanbuler Forschungen, 56), Tübingen: Ernst Wasmuth 2017. x + 155 pp., 122 figs. ISBN 978-38-03-01777-2. Gullög Nordquist (Uppsala University) | A. Bellia & C. Marconi (eds.), Musicians in ancient coroplastic art. Iconography, ritual contexts, and functions (Telestes. Studi e ricerche di archeologia musicale nel Mediterranea, 2), Pisa & Rome: Ist. Editoriali e Poligrafici, 216…