Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. Deliciae fictiles. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Central Italic Architectural Terracottas at the Swedish Institute in Rome, 10–12 December 1990 Edited by Eva Rystedt, Charlotte Wikander & Örjan Wikander Abstract Thirty-three papers on architectural terracottas read at an international conference in Rome. The papers include contributions on Greek material, but the main emphasis is placed on Central Italic roofs (from Northern Etruria to Campania) from the Archaic period. Several papers present hitherto unpublished material, either recently excavated or from earlier, unpublished, excavations and collections. Contents Eva Rystedt, ‘Preface’, p. 7 Arvid Andrén, ‘L’avviamento’, p. 9 ‘General list of abbreviations’, pp. 11–16 Nancy A. Winter, ‘The Greek background for Archaic architectural terracottas of Central Italy’, pp. 17–20 John F. Kenfield, ‘A modelled terracotta frieze from Archaic Morgantina: its East Greek and Central Italian affinities’, pp. 21–28 Concetta Ciurcina, ‘Rapporti tra le terrecotte architettoniche della Sicilia orientale e quelle dell’Italia centrale’, pp. 29–38 Elena Epifanio Vanni, ‘Antefisse di tipo campano a Himera’, pp. 39–43 Maria Bonghi Jovino, ‘La decorazione architettonica di Capua: peculiarità, itinerarii e modelli’, pp. 45–54 Ninina Cuomo di Caprio & Matilde Romito, ‘Fratti…
Published by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. Distributed by Astrom Editions. The Iron Age necropolis of Sorbo at Cerveteri By Ingrid Pohl Lund 1972 (softcover: 322 pp.). ISBN: 9789170420016