Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Out of print. Open access, use link below.
Cults, myths, oracles and politics in ancient Greece
By Martin P. Nilsson
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This little book is an outcome of some leisure hours, spared from more exacting work. It does not pretend to offer anything new, but as the facts have never been collected and as some unwarranted opinions on the interrelation of Greek mythology and cults and the social and political life of the Greeks have been put forward, a comprehensive survey may be of some use. Oracles were also part of Greek religion and were extensively used for influencing public opinion. They are treated in a separate chapter. I append a discussion of the Ionian phylae and another of the phratries. They are highly technical and the result is meagre, but they have some importance as throwing light upon the interplay of religion and social life.
I am deeply indebted to Professors A. Wifstrand and Hj. Frisk for valuable and clarifying help in certain difficult problems. My warmest thanks are due to Professor H.J. Rose who, with self-sacrificing kindness, has gone through my manuscript, correcting my English style, and read the first proofs.
Lund, December 1950.
Ch. I. Cults and politics
1. Synoecism
2. The expansion of Athens
3. Cults and foreign politics
Ch. II. Myths and politics
1. Athenian myths
2. Ancestors and eponyms
Ch. III. Myths and political propaganda
1. The Greek city-state
2. Foreign peoples and kings
Ch. IV. The use of myths in the late age
Ch. V. Oracles and politics
1. The Delphic oracle
2. Anonymous oracles
Appendix I. The Ionian phylae
Appendix II. The phratries
Bibliographical information
Martin P. Nilsson, Cults, myths, oracles and politics in ancient Greece (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Athen-8°, 1), Lund 1951. ISSN 0081-9921.
American Journal of Archaeology 57:2, 1953, 140-141 (Marjorie J. Milne)
The Classical Review 2:3-4, 1952, 200-202 (W.K.C. Guthrie)
The Classical Weekly 46:9, 1953, 138 (Francis D. Lazenby)
The Journal of Hellenic Studies 72, 144-145 (H.J. Rose)
Revue des Études Grecques 65, 1952, 242-244 (André-Jean Festugière)
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