ActaAth-4°, 46: The function of the “Minoan villa” (1997)


Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by Astrom Editions.

The function of the “Minoan villa”. Proceedings of the Eight International Symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 6–8 June, 1992

Edited by Robin Hägg


These twenty papers, presented at an international conference in Athens, deal with various aspects of the so-called villas in Neopalatial Crete and their possible predecessors or equivalents in the preceding, Protopalatial period. They are followed by transcripts of the discussions of the symposium. Among the problems treated are: the origin of the “villa system”, the definition of the “villa”, the architectural analysis of buildings and building complexes, the magico-religious background of the “villa”, the role of religious painting, the origin of the Cretan andreion, and a study of ceramic exchange between towns and outlying settlements in Neopalatial eastern Crete. Special discussions concern the functional analysis of the architecture, administration and bureaucracy, with special reference to seals, sealings and Linear A tablets and political geography.


‘Preface’, 7

Henri van Effenterre & Micheline van Effenterre, ‘Towards a study of Neopalatial “villas”: modern words for Minoan things’, 9–13

Wolf-Dietrich Niemeier, ‘The origins of the Minoan “villa” system’, 15–19

J.A. MacGillivray, ‘The Cretan countryside in the Old Palace period, 21–25

Stella Chryssoulaki, ‘Nerokourou Building I and its place in Neopalatial Crete’, 27–32

Vasso Fotou, ‘Éléments d’analyse architecturale et la question des fonctions de trois bâtiments « villas »: la Royal Villa, le « Mégaron » de Nirou et le « Mégaron » de Sklavokambos’, 33–50

Louise A. Hitchcock & Donald Preziosi, ‘The Knossos Unexplored Mansion and the ‘villa-annex complex’’, 51-62

Jan Driessen & Jannis Sakellarakism ‘The Vathypetro-complex: some observations on its architectural historyand function’, 63–77

Vincenzo La Rosa, ‘La « Villa Royale » de Haghia Triada’, 79–89

Philip P. Betancourt & Nanno Marinatos, ‘The Minoan villa’, 91–98

Gerald Cadogan, ‘The role of the Pyrgos country house in Minoan society’, 99–103

Sinclair Hood, ‘The magico-religious background of the Minoan villa’, 105–116

Costis Davaras, ‘The “cult villa” at Makrygialos, 117–135

Robert B. Koehl, ‘The villas at Aya Triada and Nirou Chani and the origin of the Cretan andreion’, 137–149

‘Panel discussion’, 149–150

Piers T. Crocker, ‘Room function in the Amarna villa’ (circulated paper), 151–153

Clairy Palyvou & M.H. Wiener, ‘Sessions on the functional analysis of architecture’, 155–162

Paul Rehak, ‘The role of religious painting in the function of the Minoan villa: the case of Aya Triadha’, 163–175

Mette Korsgaard Pedersen, ‘Minoan halls in Neopalatial buildings’ (poster), 177

AnnCharlotte Nordfeldt, ‘On possible Minoan halls in art’, 179–184

‘Panel discussion’, 184–186

‘Discussion of the poster ‘Amnisos’ by J. Schäfer et alii’, 186

Lefteris Platon, ‘The Minoan “villa” in eastern Crete. Riza, Akhladia, and Prophetes Elias, Praissos: two different specimens of one category?’, 187–202

Metaxia Tsipopoulou & Anastasia Papacostopoulou, ‘“Villas” and villages in the hinterland of Petras, Siteia’, 203–214

‘Session on administration and bureaucracy’, 215–217

Peter M. Day, ‘Ceramic exchange between towns and outlying settlements in Neopalatial East Crete’, 219–228

Gerald Cadogan, ‘Final general discussion’, 229–231

‘Programme and participants of the symposium’, 233–234

‘Abbreviations’, 235–236

‘Index’, 237–244

‘Index of maps and plans in the text’, 245

Bibliographical information

The function of the “Minoan villa“. Proceedings of the Eight International Symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 6–8 June 1992 (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 4:46), ed. Robin Hägg, Stockholm 1997. ISSN 0586-0539. ISBN 978-91-7916-034-0. Softcover, 245 pages.


American Journal of Archaeology 103:1, 135–135 (Carol R. Hershenson)

The Classical Review 50:1, 2000, 178–180 (P.M. Warren)

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